Activists argue sex work thrives on inequality & belongs on the spectrum of violence against women
Cherry Smiley, co-founder of Indigenous Women Against the Sex Industry,
speaks on a panel alongside Jaclyn Chang, Summer-Rain Bentham, and
Trisha Baptie after viewing the documentary Buying Sex at the Vancouver
Public Library April 15. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C.
Catholic.Cherry Smiley, co-founder of Indigenous Women Against the Sex
speaks on a panel alongside Jaclyn Chang, Summer-Rain Bentham, and
Trisha Baptie after viewing the documentary Buying Sex at the Vancouver
Public Library April 15. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic. |
While government officials formulate new laws regarding prostitution, minority groups are speaking out against legalization, calling it inherently oppressive and racist. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
JPII statue finds home in largest poor neighbourhood in Chile
A statue of Blessed John Paul II casts a shadow as people pray on the
ninth anniversary of his death April 2 in Wadowice, the birthplace of
the Polish Pope. CNS photo / Kacper Pempel, Reuters. |
A statue of Pope St. John Paul II donated by the University of San Sebastian in Chile has been moved to the Puente Alto neighbourhood, five years after authorities refused to install it in a prominent area in the Chilean capital. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Veterans Affairs Minister leads Canadian delegation to Rome
Veterans' Affairs Minister Julian Fantino and his wife Liviana in Rome
at Cardinal Collins's titular church, St. Patrick's, April 25, for a
Mass with Canadian pilgrims. Deborah Gyapong / CCN. |
Veteran Affairs Minister Julian Fantino led a small Canadian delegation to the Vatican April 27 for the canonizations of Popes John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Priest who loved children spent countless hours turning blueprints into reality
Construction of the final portion of Notre Dame Regional High School is
expected to be complete next January. Andrew McCracken / Special to The
B.C. Catholic. |
The new Notre Dame Regional Secondary School is now in its final phase of construction. The school is being built on the sweat and tears of dedicated priests and their parishioners. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Masses of Thanksgiving offered in Rome for new Pope saints
Tapestry portraits of Sts. John Paul II and John XXIII are seen during
their canonization Mass at the Vatican April 27. CNS photo / Giampiero
Sposito, Reuters. |
The day after the canonization of Popes John Paul II and John XIII, Church officials presided over two Masses of Thanksgiving, drawing attention to the saints' enormous contributions to the Church and to society. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Cardinal Lacroix draws inspiration for evangelization from new Pope saints
Canadian tour guide raises flag to gather group together. Deborah Gyapong / CCN. |
Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix of Quebec sees inspiration for evangelization in the two newly canonized saints: Pope St. John XXIII and Pope St. John Paul II. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Her talk will be based on her book: Free to believe: Rethinking Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Canada
Pope John Paul II talks with Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev during a
historic 1989 meeting at the Vatican. In the meeting the two expressed
broad agreement on the need for greater religious freedom in the Soviet
Union. CNS photo / Arturo Mari. |
From the proposed Quebec Charter of Values to the Trinity Western University law school, why do challenges to religious freedom matter? For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
New saints lauded for pioneering dialogue on women
A large crowd is seen in and around St. Peter's Square as Pope Francis
celebrates the canonization Mass for Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II at
the Vatican April 27. CNS photo / Massimo Sestini, Italian National
Police via Catholic Press Photo. |
The newly-canonized John Paul II and John XXIII have drawn praise for sparking discussion within the Church on modern women and paving the way for what Pope Francis is addressing now. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Cardinal Collins muses on extraordinary Popes of recent times
Cardinal Thomas Cardinal Collins and a group of pilgrims from Toronto
sing O Canada after Mass at St. Patrick's Church in Rome April 25. Deborah Gyapong / CCN. |
Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto mused on the blessing of the extraordinary Popes the Catholic Church has had in Popes John XXIII and John Paul II and other recent Popes. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Health Ministry washes its hands of disposal of fetal tissue in Oregon waste-to-energy plant
Rachel's Garden at the Gardens of Gethsemani in south Surrey provides a
place to pray for and remember children who have died before birth. BCC
file photo. |
The remains of British Columbia's aborted and miscarried children are ending up in an Oregon waste-to-power plant, likely mixed with everyday trash, incinerated to provide electricity to the people of Marion County. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Resurrection pours 'fresh hope' on the world, Pope reflects
A nun holds an image of Jesus carved onto wood as Pope Francis leads his
general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 23. CNS
photo / Paul Haring. |
During his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis emphasized the certainty of Christ's presence in the world today, noting that His Resurrection invites us to reject sin and open ourselves to joy and hope. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Divine Mercy Rosary DVD released on Divine Mercy Sunday
Angelina and Dennis Girard with their Divine Mercy Rosary DVD and poster. Deborah Gyapong / CCN. |
Dennis Girard has come a long way since he blocked a Marian grotto with a big white cross on the property of the Christian retreat centre he ran in the early 2000s. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Prelate dishes on favourite food, music, & Easter
Archbishop Miller pictured outside Holy Rosary Cathedral. (Photo credit: Jason Payne / PNG) |
The Vancouver Sun spoke to Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, for the April 19 issue. The prelate gave answers on Jesus, Mary, death, and love.
Question: Does anything bother you about Metro Vancouver?
Answer: How about the old complaint about too much rain and darkness in the winter?
Question: Since it is Easter, can you tell us about what the suffering and death of Jesus Christ means to you?
Answer: Easter itself is about life. The feast of risen life, of new life; the feast of hope and of triumph. Good Friday, a necessary prelude, is full of tragedy. It is not Christ’s suffering per se that is salvific; it is that he paid the price of ultimate faithfulness to his mission. Suffering was the cost. Certainly it reminds me that evil was — and is — a reality in our world. But, even more important, is the fact that love is stronger than death, that evil has been overcome, though we shall not fully realize that until the world as we know it has passed away.
Read the entire interview here.
Project includes images of abortion victims
A former ambulance is covered with images of abortion victims as part of a campaign by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform. (Photo submitted) |
Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform posted images of living and aborted unborn children on a former ambulance as part of a controversial public awareness campaign. Executive director Stephanie Gray explained:
"We aim to prick the conscience of the public so that in seeing the humanity of the pre-born, and the inhumane nature of abortion, people will reject a procedure that dismembers and decapitates the youngest amongst us."
The ambulance is touring streets in the Lower Mainland.
Burnaby mayor dons painter's smock at fundraiser for people with developmental disabilities
Sponsor Peter Chung receives a painting created by Wayne Streifel,
Caroline Short, Alex Richmond, and Ilonka Klein at L'Arche's The Art of
Being Together fundraiser April 3. Agnieszka Krawczynski / BCC. |
Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan has taken up painting. The first-time artist put brush to canvas to help L'Arche Greater Vancouver raise money at their fifth annual The Art of Being Together fundraising event. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Holy See emphasizes family's role in poverty eradication
A statue is pictured in the foreground as workers from a government
demolition crew dismantle shanties in Manila, Philippines, in January.
Pope Francis chose the theme, "He became poor, so that by His poverty
you might become rich," for this year's Lenten message. CNS photo /
Romeo Ranoco, Reuters. |
Praising the U.N.'s plan to eradicate poverty, the Holy See's observer to the body emphasized the importance of the family in encouraging development and in fighting poverty. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Pro-life, pro-family protestors arrested at University of Regina
Anti-gay activist William Whatcott walks during a break in hearings at
the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa in 2011. Whatcott was charged with
promoting hate after distributing flyers in Saskatchewan condemning
homosexual activity. CNS photo / Chris Wattie, Reuters. |
The Christian community is being marginalized, warns a lawyer who will represent two pro-life, pro-family protestors arrested April 14 at the University of Regina. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Father David Bauer, CSB, created 'ecumenical councils of friendship' through years of coaching
Bob Hindmarch, the Canadian national team's general manager (left) and
Father David Bauer examine Soviet skate-sharpening methods. If a
Canadian player blasphemed, Hindmarch remembered, Father Bauer would
quip: "I'll do the praying: you just play hockey." UBC Athletics
Archives. |
As the Stanley Cup playoffs loom, only one Canadian team, the Montreal Canadiens, seems to be poised to skate in the post-season. Many Canuck fans will have to be content with Team Canada's hockey victory in Sochi a month and a half ago. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Pope Francis: kiss the crucifix, kiss the wounds of Jesus
A woman holds a British flag with the words "Team GB" as Pope Francis
leads his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April
16. CNS photo / Paul Haring. |
In his general audience address Pope Francis spoke on the meaning of suffering and evil, explaining that it is a mystery which finds its answer in the passion and death of Jesus, Who endured it for each of us. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Euthanasia battle revives in Quebec despite election
This is the cover of "Hippocratic, Religious and Secular Medical Ethics:
The Points of Conflict" by Robert M. Veatch. Many commentators say this
sort of guide is being totally ignored by modern medicine. CNS. |
Forces opposed to euthanasia in Quebec have expressed disappointment newly-elected Premier Philippe Couillard intends to press ahead with euthanasia legislation. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Brendan Eich gave $1,000 in support of traditional marriage
Brendan Eich in 2012. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) |
Co-founder and CEO of Mozilla Brendan Eich resigned in early April after he received serious pressure over a donation he made in 2008 to California's Proposition 8.
A report from Zenit, a news agency in Rome, says
Catholics should be worried.
After fewer than two weeks as the company’s head, Eich was forced to resign over Silicon Valley furor regarding a $1,000 donation he made back in 2008 to California’s Proposition 8 law, which defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. To repeat, he was fired for holding unpopular— now socially forbidden—views.
Many news outlets are critical. A lot are supportive. Catholics should be up in arms, for at stake here is the freedom to work in a public capacity and hold orthodox views at the same time.
The Mozilla press centre released an
FAQ about Eich's resignation.
Preaching at Mass with Pope John Paul II was 'one of the greatest experiences' of monsignor's life
Msgr. Pedro Lopez-Gallo kneels to kiss the ring of Pope John Paul II.
The monsignor was speechless after the Pope asked him to give the homily
in the papal chapel. Photo submitted. |
When the Vicar of Christ is present, he is usually the one doing the preaching, so when Msgr. Pedro Lopez-Gallo was asked to give the homily in Pope John Paul II's private chapel in 1990, he was speechless. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Blossoming religious order in France has global impact
Buddhist women sing a religious hymn during a ceremony in Seoul, South
Korea. An order of nuns founded in France has a special attraction for
the people of the Asian country. CNS photo / Kim Hong-Ji, Reuters. |
A missionary order founded in the middle Ages in France is sending a burgeoning number of vocations from Asia and especially South Korea to evangelize countries throughout the world. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Tributes pour in for former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty
Tributes poured in for former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, who died suddenly at the age of 64 on April 10, only three weeks after he had resigned his cabinet portfolio. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Father Thomas Rosica, CSB, sits down with Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi
Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, apostolic nuncio to Canada, was recently interviewed. (Photo credit: Salt & Light TV) |
Father Thomas Rosica, CEO of Salt and Light TV, spoke to Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, who was appointed apostolic nuncio – the papal representative to this country – earlier this year.
Watch the 30-minute interview on Salt and Light's
Witness program
Many will be warmer and drier on wet or cold days in the coming months
Brandon Biln, one of the coordinators of volunteer resources at St.
Paul's Hospital, poses at the hospital's clothing depot with children
from St. Augustine's Elementary. Photo submitted. |
The students and families of St. Augustine's Elementary School in Vancouver recently worked together on their third annual jacket drive, led by the Grade 6 class. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
'I can't leave my people:' Priest killed in Syria hailed as martyr
Dutch Jesuit Father Frans van der Lugt sits with Sheik Abu Harith
al-Khalidi, who is in charge of negotiations for civilians inside the
besieged area of Homs, Syria, at the residence of the Jesuit fathers
Jan. 29. CNS photo / Yazan Homsy, Reuters. |
Days after Dutch priest Father Frans van der Lugt was murdered in Syria, a close young friend recalled his saintly life, noting both his personal holiness and extraordinary advances in Christian-Muslim relations. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Senate Speaker recalls encounters with Popes John XXIII and John Paul II
A mosaic on the wall of the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in
Rome shows Blessed John XXIII, who convened the Second Vatican Council
in 1962. It was there that Pope John announced he was going to call an
ecumenical council. CNS photo / ANSA, EPA. |
Senate Speaker Noel Kinsella has had many opportunities as a senator, academic, and former seminarian in Rome to meet both Popes John XXII and John Paul II, to be canonized on April 27. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
More than a symbolic gesture of harmony: over $1,100 raised
St. Thomas Aquinas and Notre Dame student bands teamed up to raise funds
for Catholic Charities' The Door Is Open March 12. Admission by
donation brought in over $1,100. Photo submitted. |
Playing music to fight hunger: this was the purpose of a band concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School March 12. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Greatest fruit of WYD has been vocations, organizer says
A pilgrim from New York waves a poster to welcome Pope John Paul II to
World Youth Day in Toronto July 25, 2002. The Polish Pontiff inaugurated
World Youth Day 30 years ago. CNS photo / Nancy Wiechec. |
At a recent gathering discussing preparations for World Youth Day in Krakow, a coordinator for the event emphasized how each year many youths receive the courage to answer their vocational call. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Pope John XXIII remembered chiefly for calling the Second Vatican Council
A tapestry bearing the likeness of Blessed John XXIII hangs from the
facade of St. Peter's Basilica during his beatification ceremony at the
Vatican in this Sept. 3, 2000, file photo. CNS photo / Filippo
Monteforte, EPA. |
Though Pope John XXIII was known as a simple, saintly man, he will be chiefly remembered for calling the Second Vatican Council, says Saint Paul University theologian Catherine Clifford. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
She faces charges of theft, vandalism, and battery
Dr. Mireille Miller-Young and two students walk off
with a sign from an abortion protest March 4. |
Dr. Mireille Miller-Young, University of California Santa Barbara professor, is facing charges after stealing a pro-life group's sign and taking it to her office to destroy it. A
video shows her shoving one of the protestors as she and two students take the sign from members of
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.
Steve Weatherbe at
calls it a surprise that the associate professor of feminist studies was charged. Her appearance in court was scheduled April 4.
Ukrainians to share Easter goodies
These sweet loaves are one of many of the treats for sale at Ukrainian churches this season. Photo submitted. |
For Ukrainian Catholics, Easter is all about family, tradition, and church. That's why four parishes in the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster are holding bake sales again this spring. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Pope responds to Venezuelan peace talks invitation
Anti-government protesters pray during a rally against violence in
Caracas, Venezuela, March 5. Bishops in Caracas urged both the
government and protestors to resist violence amid a deepening standoff
in Venezuela that has further polarized the country and left church
charities struggling. CNS photo / Tomas Bravo, Reuters. |
Answering an invitation from Venezuela's foreign affairs minister to participate in the country's peace talks, Pope Francis sent a letter to all parties involved, encouraging them to foster open dialogue. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Former Prime Minister Mulroney recalls Pope John Paul II
South African President Nelson Mandela assists Pope John Paul II at the
Johannesburg International Airport in 1995 at the start of the pope's
first official visit to the country. Mandela, who led the struggle to
replace the country's apartheid regime wit h a multiracial democracy,
died Dec. 5 at age 95 at his home in Johannesburg. CNS photo / Patrick
De Noirmont, Reuters. |
Brian Mulroney was elected prime minister only days before Pope John Paul II made his first historic visit to Canada in 1984, and he remembers his encounters with him well. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Four hundred youth receive sacrament of reconciliation before Easter
Erin Labao, a member of St. Joseph the Worker's youth ministry team,
performs during Freedom. The annual event for diocesan youth centres on
the importance of confession. Peter Vetter / Special to The B.C.
Catholic. |
When hundreds of young people gather on a Friday night, one might predict big entertainment or a party involved. But when 400 youth and young adults met up March 14, their joy was boosted by something else: the sacrament of reconciliation. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Our lives should have the flavour of the Gospel, Pope observes
Pope Francis kisses a cross during his weekly audience at the Vatican
April 9. The cross is made from wooden boards recovered from the
wreckage of boats carrying migrants from northern Africa to Lampedusa,
Italy's southernmost island. CNS photo / L'Osservatore Romano via
Reuters. |
During his general audience April 5 Pope Francis began a new catechesis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, drawing specific attention to wisdom and noting that it illuminates our actions and draws us closer to God. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
John Paul II Day decreed in Ontario
A large image of Blessed John Paul II is seen as a woman places a candle
during a prayer vigil at Pilsudski Square in Warsaw, Poland, April 2.
The vigil marked the ninth anniversary of the Polish Pope's death. CNS
photo / Bartlomiej Zborowski, EPA. |
Ontario will make celebration of the life of Pope John Paul II on annual event after the passing of legislation naming a day in his honour. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Doctors, nurses, caregivers, and others supply varied views at Vancouver stop
In what almost seems to be becoming an outmoded view of end-of-life
care, a close friend sits with a dying person with medical staff readily
available. CNS photo / Nancy Phelan Wiechec. |
The Canadian Medical Association is on a country-wide tour to find out what people in this country think about end of life issues like euthanasia and palliative care. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Lawyers warn of global push for 'gender identity' language
Trafficking survivor Tysheena Rhames reacts to U.S. President Barack
Obama's speech about her before he signs a Violence Against Women bill.
U.S. bishops said they could not support the rewritten bill because of
its references to "sexual orientation" and "gender identity." Even
straightforward issues manage to include unacceptable "SOGI" principles.
CNS photo / Larry Downing, Reuters. |
Attorneys working for human rights at the United Nations and other global organizations note a growing trend to introduce "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" language, as well as abortion rights, into international law. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Quebec Liberal victory gives reprieve from euthanasia push
Margaret Somerville, founding director of the Centre for Medicine, Ethics, and Law at McGill University in Montreal, is pictured in an undated photo. CNS photo / courtesy McGill University. |
The surprisingly strong Quebec Liberal victory April 7 means euthanasia is off the table, at least for now, and signals a greater openness to religious Quebeckers, say informed observers. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Staff searched the Internet in search of someone to fill the role
The Gardens of Gethsemani has incorporated a number of statues like this
one of Our Lady, in different areas. Catholic Cemeteries of the
Archdiocese of Vancouver may now have to look for a statue of St. Joseph
of Arimathea. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic. |
The devout Jew who removed the body of Jesus from the cross and surrendered his own tomb to bury Him on Good Friday is now the patron saint of the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Vancouver. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Ambassador Bennett urges Christians to engage in public sphere
Andrew Bennett, the Ambassador of Religious Freedom who is also Dean of
Augustine College, addressed the college community April 4 on the
importance of Christian engagement in the public square and on
championing human dignity. Deborah Gyapong / CCN. |
Canada's Ambassador of Religious Freedom, Andrew Bennett, urged a Christian audience here April 4 to engage in the public sphere, proclaim truth and champion human dignity. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
The army man's bathtub flooded Florence Nightingale's room below his
This grave marker in St. Peter's Cemetery memorializes the final resting
place of the Pittendrigh family. Photo from A Sense of History Research
Services Inc. |
As is frequently the case, many people discovered interesting facts about Captain George Pittendrigh only after his death. Most knew only about his work as coroner, justice of the peace, and fisheries inspector. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Pope Francis prays for kidnapped priests, nun
Father Georges Vandenbeusch is seen after after being freed in Yaounde,
Cameroon, Dec. 31. The French priest was kidnapped by heavily armed
Islamic extremists Nov. 13 in the far north of Cameroon, near the border
with Nigeria. Now two more priests and a Canadian nun have been
kidnapped. CNS photo / Darzee Kalend, Reuters. |
Pope Francis is remembering in his prayers two Italian priests and a Canadian religious sister who were kidnapped in Cameroon Friday night. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Parish RCIA program looks toward Easter celebration
Lisa Chouinard, an RCIA candidate, says she is in the process of
understanding the Catholic faith a little more. Chris Miller / Western
Catholic Reporter / CCN. |
A common icon of conversion is the painting of Jesus standing at a person's front door. The image illustrates Revelation 3.20: "Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with Me." For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Land was cleared for a public cemetery about 1861
Director of Catholic Cemeteries Peter Nobes (right) tours St. Peter's
Cemetery with historians Dale (left) and Archie Miller and grounds
caretaker Robert Gilmore Aug. 16. "I found the insights fascinating; the
place has so much history," Nobes said. The cemetery was established in
the 1880s. Jennifer Pecho / Special to The B.C. Catholic. |
The Catholic Church was formally established in New Westminster by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in September 1860, when Father Leon Fouquet, OMI, arrived to establish St. Peter's Parish. It was part of the St. Charles Mission that encompassed much of the Fraser Valley from the Cascade Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
LA's 'little ambassador' to Pope recalls encounter
Jersey Vargas, 10, cries as she gives interviews after greeting her
father, Mario Vargas-Lopez, at Los Angeles airport March 29. She hadn't
seen him for two years. CNS photo / Lucy Nicholson, Reuters. |
Jersey Vargas, a 10-year-old daughter of undocumented immigrants, who travelled from Los Angeles to the Vatican to ask the Pope's help for herself and children like her, said she is thrilled to have met him. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
MP urges Catholics to support his palliative care motion
NDP MP Charlie Angus hopes to get Catholic support for his Motion M-456 that calls for a national palliative care strategy. |
NDP MP Charlie Angus hopes Catholics across Canada will put pressure on their representatives to support his motion to create a national palliative care strategy. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Follow the Pontiff's Israel pilgrimage
Pope Francis will visit the Holy Land May 24-26. (Photo: Paul Haring / CNS) |
Pope Francis will visit the Holy Land in May to mark 50 years since Pope Paul VI and Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras shook hands in Jerusalem.
The program for his three-day trip is available on the new
official website dedicated to the trip. Created in seven languages, it also provides various resources and background information about Catholics in the Holy Land.