We were speculating in the office about the late Father John Chrysostom Brost, OSB, and whether he had been the oldest priest in the Archdiocese of Vancouver when he died at 98. We've now heard from Father Mark Dumont at Westminster Abbey, who is a walking encyclopedia of the Church, local and universal. He sends the following: "As far as I know, Father Chrysostom became the oldest priest in all of B.C. when Fr. J.J. Morelli died in Creston, B.C., in the Nelson diocese a couple of years ago. When I told him that after the death of Fr. Morelli, he said, 'I can't help it.'"
Saturday, July 31, 2010
B.C.'s oldest priest
We were speculating in the office about the late Father John Chrysostom Brost, OSB, and whether he had been the oldest priest in the Archdiocese of Vancouver when he died at 98. We've now heard from Father Mark Dumont at Westminster Abbey, who is a walking encyclopedia of the Church, local and universal. He sends the following: "As far as I know, Father Chrysostom became the oldest priest in all of B.C. when Fr. J.J. Morelli died in Creston, B.C., in the Nelson diocese a couple of years ago. When I told him that after the death of Fr. Morelli, he said, 'I can't help it.'"
B.C. pro-lifer released from Toronto jail
Mary Wagner, a 37-year-old pro-lifer from Nanaimo, has been set free after four months in an Ontario women’s prison after being found not guilty of a mischief charge. “I’m very happy,” Wagner told The B.C. Catholic in a telephone interview from the home of a friend in rural Ontario. Read the full story here. And a comment on the state of freedom of speech in Canada can be found here.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Canadian bishops wade into census controversy
The federal government's plan to make the census long form optional is not being received well. Not only has the chief statistician resigned over the matter, not only is prevailing public sentiment on the decision negative, but now the Canadian bishops are wading into the dispute. Bishop Pierre Morissette, president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, has sent a letter to Industry Minister Tony Clement, asking him to keep the current form because the information collected, for instance on religion, is important to Canada as a society and it's anonymous. (This seems like an opportune time to point out that B.C. is still not reporting information on abortion in this province...information that is similarly anonymous and important to us as a society.)
My new stove is Kosher!
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Norman Rockwell's Sunday Morning |
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Church sign board of the day
Was driving past this church and couldn't resist snapping a picture of the sign board out front. The church isn't Catholic, but the message is certainly relevant!
Archbishop Miller welcomes Anglicans
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Bishop Wilkinson at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre |
Vancouver Archbishop J. Michael Miller recently sent a letter to the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada which was holding its synod at the archdiocese's Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre in Surrey. The Anglican Catholic Church of Canada, of course, is the group seeking an Anglican ordinariate in Canada.
Wanted: Cathedral builders
"With the firm conviction that new media presents us with new Roman roads to make the image and voice of Christ seen and heard, Media Cova hopes to send out a new generation of media missionaries across barbarian landscape to reach all people of good will, build virtual cathedrals, and proclaim the gospel." - Anton R. Casta, www.mediacova.com
The Canadian Anglican/Catholic story
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Deborah Gyapong |
Speaking of Deborah Gyapong, follow her blog here to stay on top of developments on the Anglican/Catholic situation in Canada. In addition, the Anglo-Catholic is also doing a good job of tracking the story.
B.C. Catholic in Italy
The B.C. Catholic post of Ottawa bureau chief Deborah Gyapong's personal reflections on Cardinal Ouellet got picked up by a big Italian blog that covers the Church.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
There Be Dragons
A new motion picture that explores the nature of humanity and themes of forgiveness and reconciliation woven around the figure of St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, will be released in theaters worldwide in early 2011. Directed by Academy Award nominee Roland Joffé (The Mission), There Be Dragons is set during the Spanish republic and civil wars in the mid 1930s. It is an epic film that celebrates the life of one of the Catholic Church's most popular modern saints.
First Roman Catholics of Nova Scotia
Full story here.
Anglican Catholic Church of Canada Votes to Unite with Rome
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Metropolitan and Ordinary of the ACCC |
Leaders in the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada (ACCC), part of the Continuing Anglican Movement, voted recently to unite with the Roman Catholic Church through Pope Benedict's Apostolic Constitution. The meeting of the House of Clergy and the House of Laity focused on the implementation of a proposed Canadian Anglican Catholic Ordinariate.
“With the overwhelming support of clergy and laity for unity with the See of Peter and the establishment of a Canadian Anglican Catholic Ordinariate, our Diocese is now able to move forward united, renewed, and hopeful,” according to a letter from Dean Shane B. Janzen published on VirtueOnline.org.Full story here.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
An act of mercy during wartime misery?
Catholic pharmacist Cristina Alarcon shares her thoughts on Canadian Army captain Robert Semrau's conviction for disgraceful conduct in the shooting of an unarmed and wounded Taliban insurgent in Afghanistan. She writes:
Around the world, the trial sparked much debate, and got me thinking about what I might do in the young captain's place.Read full article here.
That's not an easy task, as scenes of wartime chaos are but shadows on a TV screen glimpsed from the bulwarks of a comfy couch.
Still, I can try. The young insurgent's legs were severed, his innards protruding, a horrific sight to behold.
It was something a paramedic might encounter in the aftermath of an airline crash.
I had the same sort of feeling that can sometimes come over me when dealing with the hopelessly chronically ill . . . though I always manage to shake it off.
Confronted by such wartime misery, would I still hold firm to my principles that the ends (relief of suffering) can never justify the means (killing)?
Or would the stress of wartime terror blur my usual moral clarity, my sense of the uniqueness of human worth?
Archbishop Miller in Detroit
Last week Archbishop Miller was at Ste. Anne de Detroit Parish, the oldest in the Archdiocese of Detroit (Michigan), to participate in the parish's celebration of 100 years of weekly novena prayers to St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin. Fellow Basilian and pastor of the parish, Fr. Thomas Sepulveda, said that many people in Detroit have a devotion to St. Anne, the original patroness of the city and of French Canada. Read more about the celebration here.
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The feast day of St. Anne is July 26. |
Monday, July 26, 2010
Pope expresses sorrow for music festival tragedy
During Sunday's Angelus, Pope Benedict XVI remembered the young people who died at a music festival called the Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany. According to CBCNews:
A stampede inside a tunnel crowded with techno music fans crushed 18 people to death and injured 80 at Germany's famed Love Parade festival on Saturday.
Thousands of other revellers kept partying at the event in Duisburg, near Duesseldorf, unaware of the deadly stampede that started when police tried to block thousands more people from entering the already-jammed parade grounds.
Police are still trying to determine exactly what happened, but the situation was "very chaotic," police commissioner Juergen Kieskemper said.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hilarious adoption/fostering ads
Saw this on TV and cracked up. It's a public service ad for foster parenting, and its valuable point is something all parents could benefit from: "you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent." You can watch more from the series here.
Catholic studies in Vancouver this summer
It's Summer Institute time again from the Office of Religious Education. Meanwhile, watch here for details about the new adult faith formation program The Discipleship Series, which will be launched in the Archdiocese of Vancouver this fall.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
CCODP responds to food crisis in Niger
The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace is responding to the growing food crisis in Niger. As the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis, Development and Peace and its Caritas partners are launching a $3.7-million program that aims to help close to 250,000 people. The program includes activities such as screening children and pregnant woman for malnutrition and providing treatment, distributing food and seeds, and organizing cash-for-work programs to increase household incomes.
Archdiocese of Vancouver Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross recipients
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Papal honourees |
We recently posted Spirit of Service, a list of Archdiocese of Vancouver recipients of the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross. Unfortunately we neglected to provide a link to the recipients of the Benemerenti Medal. Apologies. That link is now included.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Our Bug Reporter had a bug!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
UVic pro-life students settle out of court
Congratulations to the pro-life students at the University of Victoria. Youth Protecting Youth have settled out of court with the UVic Students Society.
Father John Chrysostom Brost in The B.C. Catholic, 1991
Father John Chrysostom Brost, OSB
A familiar face at Westminster Abbey has passed away at the venerable age of 98. Father John Chrysostom Brost, OSB, died July 15. Abbot John Braganza will celebrate his funeral Mass this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the abbey, with internment in the abbey cemetery after Mass. A reception will follow in the gymnasium. Watch The B.C. Catholic for full coverage.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mission grotto pilgrimage set for Aug. 21

B.C. Catholic launches new website

The B.C. Catholic's new beta site is now live. You can visit it at www.bccatholic.ca. We looking forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions through the bug reporter at the top of the page. And if you have any bookmarks going to the old site at www.rcav.org/bcc, you'll want to update them.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Making the world Catholic
Father Robert Barron, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago and founder of WordOnFire.org, has an interview with Charles Lewis of the National Post. They discuss the illness of noted atheist Christopher Hitchens and criticism of Father Barron for praying for him; how Father Barron's generation has been poorly served by the Catholicism it was taught; and his projects to bring real Catholicism to the world.
Friday, July 16, 2010
B.C. Catholic Facebook page
It's official: The B.C. Catholic's Facebook page is now www.facebook.com/bccatholic
The B.C. Catholic makes a few changes

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Christopher Hitchens needs our prayers

Vatican rules make it easier to go after abusive priests

The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has revised its procedures for handling priestly sex abuse cases in a set of new norms concerning the most serious crimes. The Vatican website provides an extensive number of resources on the new norms here. Rome says the norms will give strength to efforts to deal with abusive priests, allowing it to deal with abuse cases more rapidly and effectively, including by removing the offending cleric from the priesthood. Vatican journalist John Allen reviews the norms here.
New app for a new Mass translation

If you have an iDevice and want to understand the new translation of the Mass due out next year, there's a home-grown app you'll want to try out. You can download The New Mass App from the Apple App Store, from this website, or follow the official iTunes site for the app. The Archdiocese of Toronto Blog has an interview with the Ontario developer here, and his story is as interesting as that of his new application.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
How cool are priests?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pharmacists have rights too

How to fill an empty collection basket, and more

It’s the International Catholic Stewardship Council, taking place in San Diego Sept. 19 to 22.
One development director says he takes away ideas worth at least $500,000 in extra revenue each year for his diocese. Those who attend say they receive the benefits and new ideas that they use in their diocesan work every year.
Even better, $250 bursaries from the Archdiocese of Vancouver are available to help you attend.
Join Archbishop J. Michael Miller who will be attending and hear our own Msgr. Gregory Smith of Christ the Redeemer Parish who will present on the topic of Stewardship and Generation X.
The early bird registration and bursary deadline is Thursday, July 15, so hurry up and get your application in!
To apply for the bursary, send an e-mail to Barbara Dowding at bdowding@rcav.org.
For more information go to www.catholicstewardship.org.
Early bird registrations can be done online here.
Compassion in action
Catholic Women's League members in Vancouver should give themselves a pat on the back for supporting families who have suffered domestic violence. Domestic Abuse Services, founded by the League, has this year welcomed four families to Eva's House, a sanctuary where victims of abuse and their children can begin to recover and move on with their lives, says DAS president Michele Smillie. Watch for the story in this week's B.C. Catholic.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Classic books in a minute

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Stanley Cup visits parish, but not in Vancouver

If only the Canucks had gone all the way, some parish in the Archdiocese of Vancouver might be benefitting the way this Chicago-area parish is. With the Stanley Cup paying a visit, an Illinois parish fund-raising effort received a welcome boost. Maybe this will be the incentive the Canucks need next season. Do they have any idea how many of our churches need new roofs?
More defenders for Pope Pius XII

Monday, July 5, 2010
Cardinal Ouellet, a welcome ruffler of feathers
The significance of Cardinal Marc Ouellet's new posting to Rome is...well, significant! Father Thomas Rosica, CSB, of Salt+Light Television spells it out perfectly here.
Friday, July 2, 2010
The state doesn't monopolize education

Charles Lewis responded by pointing out that religious adherents pay taxes too, which is true. But parents have more than a financial stake in their children's education. Vancouver Archbishop J. Michael Miller makes the essential point that in fact the principal responsibility for educating children belongs to parents.
Cardinal Ouellet on his new assignment in Rome
Cardinal Ouellet admits to a certain apprehensiveness about his new posting in Rome in a story by Deborah Gyapong of Canadian Catholic News. Have a read and it becomes obvious why he's the right man for the job.
Cardinal Ouellet heading to Rome

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