Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pro-lifers to march in Victoria

Annual event offers chance to stand for life
Pro-lifers gathered on the Provincial Legislature's lawn in May 2012. The 2013 March for Life will occur May 9.
(Alistair Burns / 
The B.C. Catholic)
Pro-lifers will congregate for the annual March for Life in downtown Victoria. This year, thousands will march May 9.
This annual event is a "way students can take a stand against this discrimination that's occurring against females," stated Anastasia Pearse, the western campus coordinator for the National Campus Life Network.
Before the march, Bishop Richard Gagnon of Victoria will celebrate Mass at noon in St. Andrew's Cathedral, 740 View St. At the same time, Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, of Vancouver will say Mass in St. Patrick's Church, 2060 Haultain St.
The March for Life will begin at 2 p.m. at Centennial Square (beside Victoria City Hall) and take Government Street to the Provincial Legislature's front lawn for a rally.

Read the full article here.

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