Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hair today? Church tomorrow!

Mother's Day fundraiser to contribute for parish building fund
Participants in the "Hair today – Church tomorrow" fundraiser hope to raise cash for St. James parish in Abbotsford.
(Photo submitted)
Building a new church might make a pastor want to pull his hair out, but one clergyman will have a close shave. Father George Edattukaran, pastor of St. James Parish, and three parishioners are all going to undertake drastic haircuts in an innovative fundraiser.
The goal in the "Hair Today – Church Tomorrow" fundraiser is to each raise $1,000 for the parish building fund and collect donations for the new Canucks Hospice being built in Abbotsford. People are invited to join the Fraser Valley congregation or to send donations.

"We have a huge mortgage,” explains Father George, whose parish has 252 registered families. “The construction of a church has been a big challenge, but we’ve started building now."

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