Thursday, April 4, 2013

Chile faces criticism

Not appropriate to give morning-after pill to minors: congressman
A nun talks with policemen during a demonstration by students in Santiago, Chile, last year. CNS photo / Eliseo Fernandez, Reuters.
Catholic News Agency has a story that says a new norm approved by Chile's Ministry of Health has met with disapproval for allowing the morning-after pill to be made available to 14 year-old girls without parental consent.

"By 14 year-old minors, it is clear we are talking about children. And by definition children do not have capacity or responsibility in any civil or civic environment," said Congressman Juan Luis Castro, the former president of the Medical College of Chile.

"It is not appropriate to administer this drug at the request of a child," he said. "It doesn't correspond to reality in Chile."

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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