Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Papal agency raises funds for Eastern Rites

Catholic Near East Welfare Association promotes 'global journey with Pope'

Carl Hétu, national director of CNEWA Canada, meets Pope Benedict XVI in June 2012.
New Year's resolutions come and go, but helping the Church worldwide is an ongoing mission. Alistair Burns reports on how the Canadian office of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) provides aid and assistance to those of any faith in the Middle East.
"Men are causing the problems, not religions," reflected Carl Hétu, the national director of CNEWA, speaking to The B.C. Catholic from New York City. 
Established in Canada in 2005, CNEWA's main office is in Ottawa, and Hétu has worked there since its inception. 
In 2011 it raised $1.5 million, with 85 per cent spent specifically on missions.  
"If you look at this century, the Church is positioning itself to be a part of the modern debates. Our values need to be expressed through papal organizations (worldwide)," he said.
Read the full article here.

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