Friday, January 18, 2013

Graphic abortion images follow historical precedent

Pro-life activist defends use of graphic images
Stephanie Gray
B.C. Catholic contributor Pat Byrne Casey recently attended a pro-life talk by activist Stephanie Gray of the Canadian Centre of Bio-ethical Reform:
According to Stephanie Gray, displaying graphic images of aborted infants, an action decried by abortion advocates as unfair and hurtful to women, is intrinsic to winning the hearts and minds of the public in what is essentially a human rights movement.

Gray, a co-founder and the executive director of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (, spoke Jan. 7 at St. Clare of Assisi Parish.

She said images are the core of CCBR projects because they resonate with viewers, generating the powerful emotions and lasting memories which are necessary to rouse what can seem like an apathetic populace. She said we may incorrectly assume that a lack of response points to a lack of concern.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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