Friday, January 18, 2013

Conservatives tackle the outdated Indian Act

Bill C-428 expected to bring lively debates
MP Rob Clarke
The B.C. Catholic has a story by Deborah Gyapong about a Conservative MP's efforts to update the outdated Indian Act:
While Idle No More protests and blockades continue sporadically across Canada, the Conservative’s Aboriginal Caucus chair is busy tackling the outdated Indian Act.

MP Rob Clarke, a member of the Muskeg Lake First Nation in Saskatchewan, originally entitled his private member’s bill C-428 “An Act to Repeal the Indian Act” and intended to have it repealed within two years. However, he has revised it to take a more incremental approach.

It now will amend and update the Indian Act, and prompt a yearly process of review and dialog with First Nations on further changes should it pass. And now that the Conservative government has thrown its support behind the Bill, it stands a good chance of becoming law.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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