Father Thomas Rosica discusses the influence of TV during Vancouver fundraiser for new projects
Father Thomas Rosica thanks volunteers after Taste and See, the second
Salt and Light fundraiser in Vancouver. It was held at the Italian
Cultural Centre May 28. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic. |
An English media spokesman for the Vatican and the head of the biggest Canadian Catholic TV network recently greeted hundreds of local fans. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Algonquin women leaders address CPJ annual general meeting
Claudette Commanda, an Algonquin of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First
Nation near Maniwaki, Quebec gave a keynote address at CPJ's AGM June 2.
Deborah Gyapong (CCN). |
Two Algonquin women stressed the importance of forging a path of reconciliation with First Nations people in the lead at the annual general meeting of Citizens for Public Justice June 2. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
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