Winnipeg-born Kevin Yuill says death does not happen in a vacuum, warns about dangers of legalization
U.K. historian Kevin Yuill, who faced a friend's suicide in his teens, is now a vocal opponent of helping people take their lives. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Are Vatican officials involved in the Ashley Madison leak? Nope.
Cardinals pray the Lord's Prayer during Mass. It appears none of them
have any link to the Ashley Madison website. CNS photo / Paul Haring. |
A leak of personal data from millions of users of Ashley Madison, a website designed to arrange extramarital affairs, wreaked havoc on and off the Internet. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Homosexual parade rerouted to pass St. Patrick's Basilica
St. Patrick's Basilica Pastor Bosco Wong asks John Pacheco and others
intending to pray the rosary with their backs to the homosexual parade
to come inside rather than find themselves involved in a confrontation.
Deborah Gyapong (CCN). |
A rerouting of Ottawa's homosexual parade Aug. 23 took marchers past the front of St. Patrick's Basilica, prompting some Catholics to mount a protest. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
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