Worldwide tour of a replica of Our Lady of Czestochowa image brings to mind miraculous events
This life-size replica of the original Black Madonna icon housed in
Czestochowa, Poland, is going to come to Vancouver. Deborah Gyapong /
CCN. |
The Black Madonna icon which will visit Vancouver on its pilgrimage around the world is a replica of a sacred relic enveloped in fact, legend, and history. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Pope: Christ's call, 'come to me,' addressed to each person
Pope Francis waves as he leads the Angelus in St. Peter's Square July 6. CNS photo / Tony Gentile, Reuters. |
In his address to the public after reciting the Angelus in St. Peter's Square July 6, Pope Francis noted that Christ's invitation, "come unto Me, all you who are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest," is given to each and every person, through all time. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Justice Committee hears witnesses on prostitution bill
Hearings on Bill C-36 run July 7-10. Deborah Gyapong / CCN. | |
Dozens of women's groups, academics, and survivors of prostitution lined up to testify before the House of Commons justice committee July 7-10 on Prostitution Bill C-36. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
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