Executive Sleepout raises funds for homeless youth
Participants gather outside Covenant House before their "executive"
sleepout to raise money for the Catholic charity. Bob Lenarduzzi, right,
and the others rasied more than $340,000. Stephanie Trimble / Special
to The B.C. Catholic. |
A frosty night on the streets for local executives has provided warmth for many in need. Executives from numerous companies and various public figures gathered for a night outside in the cold alongside homeless youth at Covenant House in downtown Vancouver. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
Pope Francis named Time magazine's Person of Year
The cover of Time magazine's Person of the Year issue, featuring Pope
Francis, is pictured in this Dec. 11 handout photo. CNS photo / Time
Inc., handout via Reuters. |
Since Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ, was elected to the papacy in March and took the name Francis, his impact on the world has been enormous. Nine months later, a relatively short time for a 2-millennia-old institution, the editors of Time magazine have taken notice. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Euthanasia a total loss of autonomy
Dr. Larry Rados. James Buchok / Prairie Messenger. |
In the Netherlands, where euthanasia and assisted suicide have been legal since 2002, at least 1,000 hospital patients are killed each year without their request or consent, according to a Winnipeg professor of medicine who is an emergency room doctor. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
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