Friday, September 13, 2013

Wilderness cathedral provides tranquility

Father Robert Haggarty, OMI, organizes annual Fountain Lake trek near Lillooet
A statue of St. Kateri decorates the Fountain Lake site 20 kilometres north of Lillooet. Special to The B.C. Catholic.
The annual Fountain Lake trek offers pilgrims a chance to worship God in a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. This year was the 20th pilgrimage. The three-day event, held 20 kilometres north of Lillooet, B.C., was held Aug. 9-11. On the first night, a candlelight procession lit up the night sky. For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

Other stories recently posted to the site include:

Embrace peace, Pope tells massive prayer vigil

Addressing myriad people in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis denounced war as a "defeat for humanity" and called on world leaders and individual Christians alike to rebuild a "shattered" harmony. For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

Catholic bishops and organizations join in fasting and praying for Syria

Canada's Catholic bishops and Catholic organizations and lay faithful joined Pope Benedict in a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria and the Middle East Sept. 7. They also renewed their call for a second day of fasting and prayer for the following Saturday, Sept. 14. For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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