Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Provincial election primer

Voters have to telephone or email political offices
Vatican firefighters secure a smokestack on the roof of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican March 9. This method of releasing voting results is more picturesque than what will be used in B.C. May 14. CNS photo / Paul Haring.
When Catholic British Columbians cast ballots for provincial election candidates May 14, what principles should weigh most prominently in their minds? By Alistair Burns of The B.C. Catholic reports:

"People call me up and ask, 'Whom should I vote for?'" said John Hof, the head of United for Life B.C. He always responds, "Who are the candidates in your riding?" Most of the time the callers don't know the answer.

One Green Party candidate said the official party policy is pro-choice. The New Democratic Party mandates that its candidates be pro-choice. John Cummins of the B.C. Conservative Party, although himself pro-life, when asked in Kelowna what he would do in connection with the abortion issue replied nothing; it was a federal matter. The Liberals have said it is entirely up to candidates to vote their conscience on the abortion issue. The B.C. Christian Heritage Party is most probably a pro-life party.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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