Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Restless Heart captures a saint's quest for truth

Priest hopes film will draw some Catholics back to Church
Father James Hughes, who coordinated showings of Restless Heart in Chilliwack
and Abbotsford, thinks the film might inspire some people to come back to the
Catholic Church. (Photo: Ignatius Press)
Father James Hughes believes St. Augustine's constant search for truth, which comes alive in the film Restless Heart, might be just the thing to draw some Catholics back to the Church. He organized two showings for the Fraser Valley East Deanery and hoped to see other areas promote the film as well.
"The concept is to have parishioners invite people who have fallen away or are not of the faith," said Father Hughes. "I think that drama could be one tool that the Holy Spirit could use."

"It's like planting seeds: you never know what fruit will come of it," he added.

Though Restless Heart showings are not organized by Catholics Come Home, the archdiocesan director of evangelization believes they can help in attracting people back to their faith. "The themes could strike chords with people and lead them to inquire more about the faith," said Kyle Neilson.
For full story, see The B.C. Catholic website.

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