Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Immigrants are like Jean Valjean

Archbishop likens them to 'Les Miserables' hero
Hugh Jackman stars as Jean Valjean in the movie "Les Miserables." CNS photo / Universal.
Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami made a plea for immigration reform at a rally on Saturday, noting that like the hero of "Les Miserables," migrants wish to "redeem themselves with honest work." Catholic News Agency reports:

Some 2,000 people participated in the rally and 20-block walk, which also drew interfaith leaders including a rabbi, an imam, and pastors of Christian denominations.

"These people only ask for the opportunity to become legal, to come out of the shadows where they live in fear of a knock on their door in the dead of night or an immigration raid to their work place."

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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