Thursday, April 11, 2013

Holy Father governs with support of Roman curia

Pope Francis adds to Church's 'ongoing reform; constant rejuvenation'
Cardinals listen attentively to Pope Francis during the papal inauguration Mass March 19.
(Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)
The B.C. Catholic columnist Msgr. Pedro Lopez-Gallo watched the recent papal election with great interest. He wrote in the April 8 issue on the historical importance of the Roman curia and that each of the Church's Popes has left a personal legacy.
Many readers have asked me to write about how the Pope leads both, and their interest is more than justified. Since "we are the Church," it is only natural that we should understand how our Mother Church governs her more than 1 billion faithful.
The administrative apparatus of the Roman Catholic Church, called the Roman Curia, operates her spiritual structure, called the Holy See, as well as her structure as an independent state, recognized by the UN under the name Vatican City State. 
As the central administrative body, the Roman Curia assists the Pope in the herculean task of governing the Church through specific departments known as congregations, tribunals, pontifical offices, pontifical commissions, etc.
Read the full column here.

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