Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bishop Jensen to build God's kingdom in PG

Seven hundred parishioners, 20 prelates attend episcopal ordination

(Bishop Stephen Jensen gives his first address to 700 parishioners inside Sacred Heart Cathedral. 
Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)
In the presence of bishops from all over western Canada and 700 laity, Msgr. Stephen Jensen was ordained Bishop of Prince George. Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, the principal consecrator, celebrated the episcopal ordination Mass.
"The Northern Gateway (pipeline) may or may not be all that is promised. But God's plans for development never fail: they have energy and power in those who are docile and listen to the Holy Spirit and act in Him," the new bishop told his flock in his first address in Sacred Heart Cathedral April 2. 
He tied the Northern Gateway project to the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, since Church documents spoke of "another gateway: the 'door of faith,'" an image used by Pope Emeritus Benedict for the "gift of God and the mission we share in the Church." 

 "By faith, we are meant to build a gateway to the kingdom of God; that new world fulfills the true needs and desires of every human heart," the bishop pointed out.
Read the full article here.

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