Friday, January 4, 2013

Jesuit climbed Himalayas for decades

Father J. Murray Abraham educated Indian poor in Darjeeling
Father J. Murray Abraham, SJ, stands with a congregation in Kurseong, India.
The Jesuit dedicated his life to helping India's Himalayan people. He died in August.
The B.C. Catholic has feature about a Jesuit who spent a lifetime serving the poor in the Himalayas:
Canadian-born Jesuit Father J. Murray Abraham dedicated his life to educating the poor and to developing agricultural and livelihood opportunities in the Darjeeling region of India's Himalayas. He died there peacefully on Aug. 28, 2012, aged 87, a Jesuit for 70 years.

Fifty people gathered in Vancouver Nov. 21 for a memorial Mass and reception. Stories from the extended "family" of supporters revealed common threads in the tapestry of thousands of lives around the globe over the course of seven decades.

Father Abraham volunteered for the Canadian Jesuit mission in Darjeeling in 1948. He initially taught children of affluent families, including princes from Nepal, but his heart was with the disadvantaged.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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