Thursday, January 24, 2013

Historic witness to life's sanctity

Vatican official says U.S. pro-life marches have global impact
Young people take part in the first March for Life in 1974 in Washington. Photo from CNS files.
Catholic News Agency says a top Vatican official on life issues called the protests sweeping across the U.S. this week against abortion a historic witness to the sanctity of human life.

"These marches for life that are taking place across the United States are very important, not only for the country, but for the whole world," Bishop Carrasco de Paula, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, told CNA Jan. 23.

From coast to coast, pro-life marches and rallies in America continue to mark the week of Jan. 22 as the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that effectively legalized abortion throughout the nation.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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