Friday, January 18, 2013

Gabriele looked after by Vatican

Pope's former butler given hospital job
Pope Benedict XVI talks with former papal butler Paolo Gabriele during a private audience at the Vatican Dec. 22. The pope pardoned Gabriele, who was then freed from prison. CNS photo / L'Osservatore Romano via Reuters.
Catholic News Agency reports that Paolo Gabriele, the Pope's former butler who was released from prison just before Christmas, has a new job working for an extension of the Vatican hospital Bambino Gesu.

According to the German Catholic agency KNA, Gabriele has been offered a job doing clerical work for a new branch of the hospital near the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. He will also receive assistance with housing, since his wife and three children must move out of their current Vatican apartment.

The new extension of the hospital was opened on Sept. 10, 2012 and focuses on outpatient care for children. In early 2013 it will include a research centre dedicated to pediatric diseases and illnesses.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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