Thursday, January 10, 2013

Former Prince George bishop returns home to Sask.

Longtime northern B.C. shepherd says he won't be sitting around in retirement
Former Prince George Bishop Gerald Weisner says he won't be sitting back
during his retirement in Saskatoon. The former shepherd plans to teach
and give retreats across Canada. WCR file photo.
The B.C. Catholic has a story by Ramon Gonzales about the retirement plans for former Prince George Bishop Gerald Weisner:
Bishop Wiesner, who is physically fit and enjoys good health, will not just sit back in his retirement years. He plans to remain active teaching and giving retreats across Canada, which he did over the years alongside his duties as bishop.

Bishop Weisner is well known in Edmonton’s Catholic circles. From 1972 to 1984 and again from 1991 to 1992 he taught theology at Newman Theological College. In 1992, he served briefly as acting president of the college until he was named a bishop.
The former bishop admits it was not easy to leave after having served the diocese for 20 years.
“But at the same time I’m tired of the administration part of the service and so I’m glad that part is finished. But I would like to continue very much my other aspects of the ministry like the teaching ministry.”
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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