Thursday, January 24, 2013

Churches unite on some aspects of marriage

Ecumenical dialogue finds wedlock a 'vocation to holiness'

Bishop Gerard Bergie of St. Catharines, Ont., found that the
United Church attendees were "sincere in their approach"
toward ongoing dialogue. (Photo credit: The Catholic Register.)
Despite differences, the Catholic Church and the United Church discovered similarities in their views of marriage. The Catholic Register describes the conclusion of their efforts:
“In the end it is good news that we were able to say something together on marriage,” said Michael Attridge, a University of St. Michael’s College theology professor.

“It's something that’s very important to both of our churches.”

The 23-page final report makes no change in either church’s teaching on marriage and does not try to resolve significant differences on "same-sex marriage," divorce, and marriage as a sacrament.

The dialogue found common ground by analyzing Catholic and United Church marriage ceremonies and official documents.
Read the full story on The B.C. Catholic website.

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