Monday, January 7, 2013

Abortion issue a loser

Time magazine says pro-life advocates are winning
People hold banners during a protest against abortion in central Madrid, Spain. CNS photo / Andrea Comas, Reuters
Catholic News Agency reports that a medium that most would not consider pro-life has an interesting view on pro-life sentiment.

A new Time magazine cover story contends that pro-life advocates have been "winning the abortion war" through legislative successes, changes in public opinion and new ultrasound technology that shows the unborn baby.

"Pro-choice activists have been outflanked by their prolife counterparts, who have successfully lobbied for state-based regulations that limit access," writer Katie Pickert said on the Time website Jan. 3. "The pro-life cause has been winning the abortion war, in part, because it has pursued an organized and well-executed strategy. But public opinion is also increasingly on their side."

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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