Friday, March 16, 2012

Clothing carries 'saintly' message

Christian clothing line designs inspired by St. Therese of Lisieux
Amy Leung holds up her oldest daughter Alison, while her husband Albert Chung holds up their newest child Ashley. Photo Special to The B.C. Catholic
Recently I had the opportunity to talk to clothing designer Amy Leung. Her line of baby clothes are called Saintly Tees:

Normally a vocations retreat is a gateway to religious life. But for St. Francis Xavier youth minister Amy Leung, who is already married, it was a gateway to her "saintly" business.

"How can I design for God?" she asked in 2007 in front of the Blessed Sacrament at the Westminster Abbey youth getaway.

Leung used her skills as a graphic/web designer to design stylish clothing for teen girls with a good "saintly" message.

"I felt the need to design for girls, because they are pressured to dress a certain way."

However, things changed for Leung with the birth of her first child. This took time away from developing her business but refocused it quite successfully. Leung designed baby clothes instead. She named her company Saintly Tees.

Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

1 comment:

  1. I think this clothing designer is very talented. Everyone looking so nice and this cloths's design and pattern really excellent. I impressed by that. I excited for made this type design.


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