Monday, August 15, 2011

Stepping up the anti-euthanasia fight

New group and new website on the horizon says EPC's Schadenberg

Alex Schadenberg
The Choice is an Illusion, a new non-profit corporation led by Seattle attorney Margaret Dore, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition director Alex Schadenberg and Dr. William Reichel has a website to provide resources to those opposed to what's being recognized as a new push by the suicide lobby to legalize assisted suicide.

Go to to access arguments and talking points and the most up-to-date information about effective strategies to fight the euthanasia lobby in the U.S. and Canada.
Or, check out Schadenberg's blog at


  1. Catholics are so meddling in todays society, if you dont believe in Euthanasia, fine, dont push your beliefs on those of us who want the right to die. Not only with Euthanasia, but with everything else you impose your will on society about. It is the individuals body to do with as they please. How would you feel if you had Catholicism taken away from you? Leave the world its own rights pls!

  2. Interesting perceptions here. Why is it that if you're Catholic you're a meddlesome busybody trying to impose your will on society, while if you're progressive you're merely working to bring about social change? Maybe some of us don't want your social change carried out on our loved ones, which is where it always leads.


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