Thursday, March 17, 2011

Android offers the confession app

You've heard about it, you've seen it misrepresented in the media, and now it's available for Android phones, just in time for Lent! It's the confession app, first developed for the iPhone, and now ready to tackle sins on the Android platform.

Yes, it's got an imprimatur from a real, live bishop. No, it's not confession by phone. It's Confession: A Roman Catholic App, and it's simply an examination of conscience application like the zillions that have been out there in print form for hundreds of years. The developers say, "Individuals who have been away from the sacrament will find Confession: A Roman Catholic App to be a useful and inviting tool."

The app is available for download at the Android Market.


  1. I have a difficult time talking to a "man"
    bout my mistakes, and embarassments,etc. That kept me from the confessional box for over 30 years.
    I am 70 years old and pray everyday . I consider myself as a half-ass Catholic , but live each day just the way Jesus would want me to do This app is a stepping stone to regain confidence in my confession.

  2. The difficulty of going to confession is something everyone understands. Here's an excellent article by Mark Shea: Rediscovering the riches of reconciliation. It might give you a boost. And keep an eye out for penitential services in your area this Lent. Joining with hundreds of others may take away some of your anxiety. I pray for your success as you continue in your journey to the confessional.


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