Thursday, November 26, 2009

An Invitation from Italy

The B.C. Catholic recently had a very friendly chat with Dr. Francesco de Conno, the new Italian consul-general in Vancouver. He paid us a visit to spread the word that the Italian ambassador wants to develop more tourism between Italy and Canada, in both directions. We discussed providing pilgrimage and tourist information on line, for example providing links to convents where tourists can stay. One event that's certain to capture Catholics' interest is next year's display of the Shroud of Turin, which will be visited by Pope Benedict XVI.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Your readers might be interested to know that there is an on-line booking service for monasteries and convents in Italy. - We have been providing an English service for people wanting to stay in convents and monasteries all over Italy, since 2005. We have access to over 500 places. Having just one link might be easier and save you and your readers a good deal of time and effort.


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