Friday, July 22, 2011

Christ is always the best psychiatrist

Catholic Family Services hosts mental health workshop

Jake Khym (left), Peter White (right), and Catholic Family
Services Director Pavel Reid (center)
 According to Jake Khym and Peter White, psychotherapists in Vancouver, a healthy mind involves Jesus. The two gave a workshop last Friday through Catholic Family Services detailing Christs importance in the mental health field.

The day long workshop started at 9:30a.m with an introduction called "adequate anthropology" (a true understanding of human nature). This is the understanding that we are rooted in Jesus mentally. The first session also explained the human yearning for Christ, and how it leads to a true life. Khym and White say this is the answer to true mental wellness.
In session two the therapists brought up how secular counsellors focus on the "whatever is right for you, unconditional, positive regard" mindset. They countered this saying this mentality doesn't offer freedom and the fullness of life to their clients. Instead of trying to give what is right in what an individual perceives, they give an objective truth of humanity through Christs teachings.

The workshop went on with two more sessions following a lunch. Session three dealt with Jesus as the "indispensable art of mental health." And session four reminded mental health workers of the importance of Christ to the mental health field.


  1. This is correct! Knowing the truth helps the intellect integrate ones feelings. We are humans, we have intellect and free will. Unless we have correct formation of the intellect we suffer misperceptions of ourselves and others. Mag.

  2. Yes christ is really best psychiatrist. I have also feel this when i was taking treatment under his care.Thanks for posting this one.
    - Bladder cancer


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