Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Faith in the Finals

Canucks schedule released for last fight for glory

The Vancouver Canucks defeated the San Jose Sharks 3-2 in double overtime last Tuesday, and are now on their first trip to the Stanley Cup Finals in 17 years.

The NHL has released the schedule for the finals, against  the Boston Bruins after their 1-0 victory over the Tampa Bay Lightning May 27.

The only question now is: who will take home Lord Stanley's cup?



Wednesday, June 1 at Vancouver, 5 p.m. NBC, CBC, RDS
Saturday, June 4 at Vancouver, 5 p.m. NBC, CBC, RDS
Monday, June 6 at Boston, 5 p.m. VERSUS, CBC, RDS
Wednesday, June 8 at Boston, 5 p.m. VERSUS, CBC, RDS
*Friday, June 10 at Vancouver, 5 p.m. NBC, CBC, RDS
*Monday, June 13 at Boston, 5 p.m. NBC, CBC, RDS
*Wednesday, June 15 at Vancouver, 5 p.m. NBC, CBC, RDS

-  * if necessary
-     All Times Pacific

Monday, May 30, 2011

You gotta have the right friends

Msgr. Stanley Deptula holds a volume of letters
from cardinals and bishops supporting the
sainthood cause of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
Some of us know the right people, but then maybe all of us do

Turns out Pope Benedict XVI knew Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and it seems Archbishop Sheen wants to be canonized.  I guess it helps to know the right people: in this case, the Pope.

However this works two ways.  I guess the bigger benefit might be the Pope's if he knows someone who is in heaven.

Let's make a deal, anyone?

This is really what the communion of saints is all about, though, a sort of mutual back scratching.  We pray for the souls in purgatory, they become the saints in heaven, and they (we hope and beg and pray) intercede with God on our behalf.  This gives us good practical (self-serving even) reason to pray for people we know who have died.

Archbishop Sheen was known for his evangelizing of everyone he came in contact with, so he can be a model for us as we are asked these days to do the same.

Archbishop Sheen is said to have been the first TV evangelist.  His TV show "Life is Worth Living" is still available for viewing.

T-Birds shut out Irish

VC loses first game in rugby provincials
The Fighting Irish May 17 in their 41-15 victory over the Walesmen

The Vancouver College Fighting Irish lost their first match in the B.C. Secondary Schools' Rugby Union AAA provincials. The Carson Graham Thunderbirds shut the Irish out 64-0 in their May 28 match.

Down but not out, VC will play the Kelowna Owls, who lost their first match 10-5 to the Yale Lions.

VC faces off against the Owls June 1 at 2:30 p.m. at Rotary Stadium in Abbotsford.

Code Blue: Igniting the Heart of Pro-Life Nursing

Canadian Nurses for Life goes into rescue mode!

Health care professionals who hold pro-life views will have their concerns addressed when Canadian Nurses for Life hosts a conference at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre on July 29 and 30 to help nurses, nursing students, and care aides deal with the ethical challenges presented by working in today's health care environment.

Dr. Margaret Cottle
Dr. Margaret Cottle, MD and Palliative Care Physician at UBC heads up a roster of pro life speakers including Sean Murphy of the Protection of Conscience Project, Christina Lamb, RN and Bio-Ethicist, Stephanie Gray who is co-founder for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and Anita Sonntag, RN and Regional Coordinator for Silent No More Awareness Campaign.

Go to www.canadiannursesforlife.ca to register or receive more information.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The woman who saw the light

Mother of Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler's aborted baby tells a pro-life story

Julia Holcomb with Steven Tyler (Lifenews.com)
After reading Kevin Burke's article on Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler, Julia Holcomb wrote a more detailed account of her relationship with Tyler, her abortion and her journey into becoming a pro-life Catholic wife and mother. She writes:

My maiden name is Julia Holcomb and I am writing in response to Kevin Burke’s article Post Abortion Trauma from the National Review.  I found the article he wrote about Steven Tyler remarkably compassionate while outlining the trauma of abortion. My name was mentioned in this article, as it has been in several other articles that have been written lately, and in several books. I decided it was time to tell my story honestly, to the best of my memory, hoping to bring closure and peace to this period of my life.

Hers is an amazing story of faith and healing:

In spite of everything, I do not hate Steven Tyler, nor am I personally bitter.  I pray for his sincere conversion of heart and hope he can find God’s grace. I know that I am also responsible for what happened that day. Someone may say that my abortion was justified because of my age, the drugs, and the fire. I do not believe anything can justify taking my baby’s life. The action is wrong. I pray that our nation will change its laws so that the lives of innocent unborn babies are protected.

Read her full story here.

"Light of the World" by Charles Bosseron Chambers

UPDATE: Student dies after explosion at Catholic school

18 year old succumbs to injuries in hospital

Grade 12 student Eric Leighton died in the Ottawa Civic Hospital last night after an explosion in his shop class left him unconscious.

Students began to gather outside Mother Teresa Catholic High School around 8 p.m. shortly after word got out that Leighton had passed away.

The updated story is on the main page of The B.C. Catholic website.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Explosion at Catholic school sends six students to hospital

18 year old shop student in critical condition

Emergency crews outside Mother Theresa Catholic School
Students at the new Mother Teresa Catholic High School in Ottawa watched in horror as an unexpected explosion has one student in critical condition and six others in the hospital. The explosion originated from the auto shop where students were making barbecues. A 55 pound oil drum was set off nearby.

Police are not releasing any names but students say the critically injured student is Eric Leighton. He is popular with classmates with many students in the school praying for his recovery.

Leighton was found "without vital signs" according to a statement released by Ottawa Emergency Services. Paramedics were able to resuscitate him and find a pulse by the time the Grade 12 student reached the hospital.

A 33-year old teacher and four other students  were accessed for concussions. Another student was taken to hospital and is in serious condition.

For the complete story see the B.C. Catholic.

Pope sends telegram to tornado victims in Joplin

His Holiness assures his closeness in prayer

Pope Benedict XVI gave a lift to the faithful in the tornado struck town of Joplin Missouri. The telegram message was sent yesterday and received by Bishop James Vann Johnston of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, USA

The text read: "the Holy Father has followed with deep concern the aftermath of the catastrophic tornado which struck Joplin on Sunday and he asks you to convey to the entire community the assurance of his closeness in prayer. Conscious of the tragic loss of life and the immensity of the work of rebuilding that lies ahead, he asks God, the Father of Mercies, to grant eternal rest to the departed, consolation to the grieving, and strength and hope to the homeless and the injured. Upon the local civil and religious leaders, and upon all involved in the relief efforts, his holiness invokes the divine gifts of wisdom, fortitude, and perseverance in every good."

The tornado has left Joplin in ruins, killing 250 people and injuring 750 others.  

Be sure to check the BC Catholic's next issue to read the Pope's weekly address.

Catholics vote NDP?

Vancouver Sun exit poll raises eyebrows

The Vancouver Sun's religion columnist Douglas Todd wrote a story about exit poll results from the May 1 Federal Election, which stated 39 per cent of Catholics voted NDP while 30 per cent voted Conservative.

The May 9 story, "How religion split the federal vote," also says that Conservatives earned the vote of more than 50 percent of Jews and Protestants.

The poll, which surveyed 36,000 Canadians, also asked how immigrants voted, showing that 41 per cent of immigrants living Canada less than 10 years voted NDP, while 43 per cent those here more than 10 years voted NDP.

These results are interesting to look at after reading Deborah Gyapong's post-election story "Catholics make noise in election: Voting results may show divide between English and French" in The B.C. Catholic.

Baldwin does Christian Rock

Youngest brother Stephen goes behind the camera for the first time

What!? Baldwin directed a Christian music video!? Wait it's Stephen not Alec. The youngest brother of the clan made his directorial debut for Christian artist Cory Lamb's Break the Cycle.

A veteran of over 60 feature films like the Usual Suspects, Baldwin took to directing pretty easily. He also brought passion to the project and as Lamb put it "he yelled sometimes, but in a loving way."

Break the Cycle hit home for Baldwin. He broke his own cycle of sin becoming a Christian shortly after 9/11.

Before turning his life over to Jesus, Baldwin was more famous for his fast lane lifestyle than his movies. Then he met a young Brazilian named Kenya who he fell in love with and married. After having their first child they hired a nanny from Brazil, a devout Christian who converted the Baldwins to Christ.

Baldwin isn't done bringing Christ's message to the masses. He steps back in front of the camera as a DEA agent in the movie I'm in Love with a Church Girl. The film also stars rapper Ja Rule.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This land is your land!

Richmond City Council adopts "hands-off" policy
Richmond City Hall 

Richmond City Council voted on Tuesday evening May 24 to allow religious congregations which own assembly land to not be required to set aside a percentage of profits from land sales for community housing, day care facilities, etc.

The council was unanimous in giving the church groups the right to be treated the same as other developers and private individuals by giving them the right to apply for land rezoning.

Francis Wong
Archdiocesan Financial Director Francis Wong called the decision a "huge achievement."
He was proud, he said, of the 90-plus religious groups who sent representatives to fight to retain power over their own property.

Support migrant workers in B.C.

Mass at St. Ann's, Abbotsford on June 19.

Migrant workers are brought into Canada to work in far more industries that is normally supposed. Besides agricultural labourers, there are many doing low paid unskilled jobs in restaurants, nursing homes, and in the homes of private individuals. Many are lonely and find themselves subjected to harsh working conditions, says the Coalition for Migrant Worker Justice. 
The Vancouver Office of Service and Justice is working with the Scalabrinian Fathers at Our Lady of Sorrows parish to find ways to welcome and support migrant workers and, on June 19 at 5 p.m., Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, will offer a Mass to welcome them and support their needs at St. Ann's Parish in Abbotsford, 33333 Mayfair Avenue.

Condoms never, surely

Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez
Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa said public
debate on comments by Pope Benedict
on condoms last year provides an
opportunity for parish priests.

You can't defend against AIDS with a balloon

I have been totally puzzled for years hearing that debate has been going on about whether condom use is moral for a married couple in which one spouse has AIDS, in an effort to reduce the possibility of transmitting the disease.

Some thinkers, citing Humanae Vitae, have said the Church can never approve a practice that goes against the understanding of the conjugal act in marriage as a complete form of self-giving that is open to life.

Quite apart from this argument, though, is the conviction that seems to be worldwide that condoms do not have 100 per cent efficiency in preventing pregnancy (something like 95 per cent seems to be the highest claimed), and even less efficiency in preventing transmission of AIDS.

My argument would simply be how can a truly loving spouse subject the other to ANY risk associated with this killer disease? Any sexual contact at all is simply playing Russian roulette.

Now the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, is weighing in with an article written by Father Juan Perez-Soba, a moral theologian who teaches in Rome at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fighting Irish pluck T-Birds

Vancouver College qualifies for 2011 rugby provincials
The VC Fighting Irish May 17 in their 41-15 victory over the Walesmen

On May 19, the Vancouver College Fighting Irish squeaked past the Cowichan Secondary School Thunderbirds 36-35, qualifying them for the B.C. Secondary School Rugby Union AAA tournament.

The Fighting Irish play their first match of the tournament against North Vancouver's Carson Graham Eagles May 28 at noon at St. George's Field in Vancouver.

The field is located at 4175 West 29th Ave in the Dunbar-Southlands.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Gospel via social networking

An overview of Christ's story on Twitter
If you ever wondered what it be like if Jesus' ministry was conducted today Igniter Media put together this video with gospel figures tweeting the life of Christ.

I wonder who some of those tweeters would be today?

"Go North!"

Missions and service in one of Canada's northernmost dioceses
Cover image of the May 23 special "Northern" supplement of The B.C. Catholic

The upcoming May 23 issue of The B.C. Catholic features a special section on Bishop Gary Gordon's initiatives in the Diocese of Whitehorse.

Read about:
  • The Holy Family Apostolate, “a discernment process to help families discover what God is calling them.
Andrea Lefebvre, a Holy Family Apostolate member says: “Hearing his whole vision of bringing families up to the north, I became open to it. I thought, ‘That is the kind of vision my husband would do,’ and it became suddenly interesting to me as well.”
This section also features:
  • Five young adults from the Vancouver archdiocese take a 43-hour bus ride to the north for a mission outreach in the Diocese of Whitehorse and other areas of northern B.C.
  • A Polish Oblate priest travels to Nunavut for a two-year mission:
"When I arrived in Igloolik I didn’t speak any English or Inuktitut. I went to elementary school and sat there with the rest of the class learning English," remembers Father Daniel Szwarc. The complete text of the interview is available at www.bccatholic.ca.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pray for bin Laden?

Florida parishioner requests prayer for deceased al-Qaida leader

In the same state where a pastor burned the Qur'an, a Catholic parish is praying for Osama Bin Laden.

Florida parishioner Henry Borga added bin Laden's name to the list of prayer requests for next Sunday's Mass at the Holy Name of Jesus Parish in West Palm Beach.

Father Gavin Badway admits that accepting the request is controversial, but it will remain in the prayers.

"Their hearts are troubled because they're thinking emotionally about what he has done and he has done a lot of evil," he said. "Nevertheless, Jesus tells us, love and forgive."

There has been an ongoing discussion in the U.S. and elsewhere on how to appropriately react to bin Laden's death.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

March for life 2011 video

Largest turnout ever for March For Life 2011 Victoria

On May 12th 2011 thousands of B.C. Catholics took part in the March for Life event in Victoria B.C. The streets were filled as the crowd of pro lifers marched towards the Provincial Legislature.

Be sure to check the B.C. Catholic's coverage of March for Life 2011 in the latest issue on Monday.

VC Wales on the competition

Fighting Irish crush Walesmen 41-15
The Fighting Irish power through the Walesmen

The Prince of Wales Walesmen fell to the Vancouver College Fighting Irish yesterday in the regional high school rugby semifinals yesterday.

VC controlled most of the action at St. George's school's field, finishing the game 41-15.

With this victory, the Irish move on to the regional finals against the Cowichan Secondary School Thunderbirds tomorrow at 3:15 p.m. on Vancouver Island.

The winner will move on to the provincials, beginning May 28 at St. Michael's University School and continuing in Abbotsford on June 1-4.

Fraser Institute discusses immigration crisis

Get informed about immigration before it gets worse says Fraser Institute

Earlier today the Fraser Institute hosted a forum on immigration issues facing the new Conservative majority government. Martin Collacott, Fraser Institute senior fellow on immigration, talked for 90 minutes largely about Canada's immigration issues regarding family sponsorship. 

The discussion was sparked by the recent immigration change made by the Harper majority. The change decreases the amount of sponsored immigrant family members per year. It was met with hostility from minority groups and made an issue by the NDP and Liberals during the spring election. 

Collacott referenced the recent National Post post story by Herbert Grubel called: The invisible price tag. Grubel detailed the hidden costs of sponsorship to the tax payers. Most sponsored immigrants are parents or grandparents who do not work therefore not contributing to the economy. Collacott agreed with this and even referenced the 2005 Paul Martin Liberal government recognizing the problem, but due to public pressure allowed immigrant sponsorship to remain status quo.

The presentation also highlighted Canada's refugee problem. Collacott brought up the Tamil refugee situation from last year saying like the Tamils refugees come to Canada uninvited because they likely won't be deported. 

Collacott also took shots at the left wing political parties about their overall ignorance about the policies and blamed all parties for catering to immigrants for votes. He also stated that Canadians must get informed on this issue before it gets worse.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

LFA trips the Light Fantastic Regency style

Tea and Mr. Darcy!

Little Flower Academy students captivated  members of the Jane Austen Society Vancouver Region when they performed dances of the Regency period taught by their English instructor Julie Mills. Each year Mills teaches an Austen novel and the year culminates with a tea and dance at the school with society members judging the costumes. Prizes are also given for the best painting of characters and scenes from one of Austen's novels.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Less than 100 days until....

Join 1.5 million for prayer and fiesta
A large sculpture of Mary with the deceased Jesus is seen at a service in Zamora, Spain, which also had the World Youth Day cross. Dramatic sculptures of the Stations of the Cross from across Spain will be used during the Aug. 16-21 World Youth Day in Madrid. CNS photo by Paul Haring.

Preparations for World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid are heating up and organizers are promising a "fiesta." This will add a Spanish flavour to the traditional opportunities for prayer, friendship, music, and religious education.

Of course there will be a chance to see Pope Benedict XVI as well, but that can't be the reason there are more Italians already registered than any other nationality. They can see the Pope at home without travelling to Madrid.

Registrations are still open, and lots more are expected.

Organizers announced May 10 that the Madrid event will be the first World Youth Day with its own radio station and with a web-TV site.

There has been some controversy about the official hymn for the Madrid gathering. The public has been asked to go to a website and vote for their favourites from a list of 130 by May 31.

Hundreds of bands, choirs, and soloists have applied for an official performance slot at World Youth Day, vying for an international stage even though there's no pay. Organizers chose 255 of them.

Friday, May 13, 2011

You're Friared!

A whole new vocation for Friar Ducharme
Friar Pierre Ducharme, OMF

Friar Pierre Ducharme, OMF, will be ordained 10 a.m. this Saturday at Holy Rosary Cathedral.

He is currently a deacon and the vocations director for the Franciscans of Western Canada in Cochrane, Alta.

A graduate 2003 UBC in history and classics, Friar Ducharme is also an alumnus of St. Michael's Elementary and St. Thomas More Collegiate.

Watch for coverage of the ordination in an upcoming issue of The B.C. Catholic.

Also coming up this weekend is the blessing of the vocations monstrance to mark this year's celebration of Vocations Sunday. The blessing will take place during the 11 a.m. Mass at Holy Rosary.

The monstrance will visit every parish to promote adoration for vocations.

Holy Rosary is located at 646 Richards St. in downtown Vancouver.

Marching for Life

Record crowds at the March for Life in Ottawa and in Victoria

More than 15,000 pro-lifers gathered on Parliament Hill May 12 for the March for Life. That's 2,500 more than last year's record crowd. About 50% of marchers were under 30.  Read more about the March for Life in Ottawa on The B.C. Catholic website.

The March for Life in Victoria also had its biggest turnout this year. See The B.C. Catholic website for a story on pro-lifers marching to the B.C. Legislature's front lawn.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vatican to toughen up on abuse

Vatican drafting a document for all bishops' conference that promises to be a "coordinated and effective program"

After years of sexual abuse scandals the Church is now in the process of releasing a tough document to battle this epidemic. Cardinal William J. Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says this program will have more teeth and encourage Bishops to deal with the abusive Priests more effectively. One of the ways is to work more closely with local law enforcement. The Cardinal said through a statement that "collaboration with civil authorities and the need for an effective commitment to protecting children and young people." He went on to add that they will call for "an attentive selection and formation of future priests and religious."

The program which began development last November in a Vatican meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and 150 Prelates, will not force Bishops to report Priests to law enforcement as some countries punish sexual abuse with death without a fair trial. However this program should give the green light in North America and Western Europe Dioceses to act swiftly to any allegations of abuse to be investigated by local law enforcement.

The meeting was held behind closed doors but a small group of sex abuse victims met outside with reporters. they called for the Church to release all the names of the Priests accused of sexual abuse.

For more information and other items from the November meeting check out Catholic News Services

Life in the garage

Trash to treasure at Holy Cross secondary Saturday

Surrey-Delta Pro-Life is hosting its annual Spring Garage Sale fundraiser Saturday May 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Holy Cross Regional High School.

People interested in dropping off donations can do so Friday May 13 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Holy Cross. They ask that no electronics be donated.

Holy Cross is located at 16193 - 88th Ave. in Surrey.

For more information, contact Surrey-Delta Pro-Life at 604-574-0225 or at sdpro-life@telus.net.

Israel tourism booming

More people heading to the holy land
The Dead Sea is very much alive with tourism in Israel going through the roof. According to the Israel Ministry of Tourism the Holy Land is on pace to shatter its previous record set last year. Almost 650, 000 have made the pilgrimage in the first quarter of 2011.

"These numbers are very encouraging and we hope to see this trend continue throughout the remainder of 2011," said Tourism Commissioner for North and South America Haim Gutin marveling at the six per cent increase over the same quarter last year. Three per cent more Canadians took in the Holy Land a year ago matching the Americans number. Brazil saw the biggest increase climbing 14 per cent.

This years numbers should surpass the 3.5 million Jews, Catholics and others who took in the sites of the Middle East nation. Among the attractions for Catholics is the Basilica of Annunciation, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Dead Sea.

For more information about travelling to Israel visit the Israel Ministry of TourismEvangelical Experience, or Catholic Group Tours.

BCC correction: Deacon Duggan ordination June 11

Becoming a priest 10 a.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral
Deacon Bryan Duggan

The May 9 issue of The B.C. Catholic reported the incorrect date of Deacon Bryan Duggan's ordination at Holy Rosary Cathedral.

The correct date and time of his ordination is June 11 at 10 a.m.

Holy Rosary is located at 646 Richards St. in Downtown Vancouver.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Abby's road

Webcast with Planned Parenthood Webcast-turned-Pro-life activist

Unite for Life is will host a live webcast May 17 at 5 p.m. on where Kelly Rosati, Vice President of Community Outreach for Focus on the Family will sit down with pro-life advocate Abby Johnson.

Johnson is a former former clinic director for Planned Parenthood, who said she had a change of heart after assisting a doctor in an ultrasound guided abortion, and became a pro-life supporter.  She and her husband have converted to Catholicism.

Her book Unplanned, recounts her days working for Planned Parenthood and her eventual conversion.

The webcast is an event to benefict pregnancy care organizations throughout North America, including Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services and Signal Hill.

Does your school rule?

Catholic schools place in top group

The Fraser Institute has released the standings of secondary schools in the province.
Two Catholic independent schools, Little Flower Academy (third) and Vancouver College (eighteenth) rank in the top 20 while Saint Thomas Aquinas and Archbishop Carney come in at 25 and 27 respectively. Check out the standings at School Report Cards.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Relocation inspiration

Fifty-three is enough says archbishop

In 1958, a number of Vancouver archdiocesan offices opened their doors in the red brick building at the corner of Robson and Cambie Streets. Now, Archbishop J. Michael Miller says it's time for the offices to find a new home so the building at 150 Robson is on the market.
Catholic Charities Mens Hostel
Plans are underway to find a new location while a major consideration is continuing to provide accommodation for the hundred men who each night bed down at the Catholic Charities Men's Hostel on the building's third floor.
Archbishop Miller has vowed that "The Church's ministry to the homeless will continue."
Hostel services, he said, will be "an important consideration in the changes being made."
Stay tuned for further developments.
Anyone interested in more information on the sale of the building should contact Arnold Fenrick at afenrick@rcav.org. 

St. Peter's meets tweeters

Catholic bloggers attending a May 2 meeting
at the Vatican. CNS photo / Paul Haring.
What happens when bloggers and the Vatican meet
What do the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Social Communications do on a busy day at the Vatican?  On May 2 they got together and invited bloggers to meet with them at the Vatican.
Archbishop Claudio Celli, president of the communications council, said later, "The Church has something to learn from bloggers." A CNS story says he said that by listening to inhabitants of the blogosphere, the Church could learn not only what people in the pews were thinking and feeling, but also could get a sense of how important it is to speak about the faith in a language that is less "ecclesial" and more "understandable."
Wow and Hallelujah!
Among the many there on May 2 were a blogging Benedictine nun; and Rocco Palmo, author of "Whispers in the Loggia."
Another group met in an Irish pub in Rome the next day. There was Paul Smeaton, author of the blog "Smeaton's Corner"; Father Athanasius McVay, who runs a blog on the Ukrainian Catholic Church and liturgy; Michael Voris, president and founder of St. Michael's Media; and Charlie Hornbacher of RealCatholicTV.com.http://www.realcatholictv.com/daily/vort.php

The Blood of Christ closer to home

The sacrament goes on the 100-mile diet

In an effort to reduce their carbon footprint, Catholic churches in Quebec are set to start purchasing their communion wine from a local vineyard, according to the Montreal Gazette.

The new "Vin de messe" will be produced by Domaine des Côtes d'Ardoise, a 7,500-hectare vineyard near Dunham, Que. that has the capacity to produce 40,000 bottles annually.

It will be made available directly to clergy in more than 1,400 Catholic churches in the province's 19 dioceses, hopefully by the summer.

"It is part of our efforts to become more ecologically responsible," said Brian Mc-Donagh, the Montreal Archdiocese's director of social action, who added that parishes have a choice whether or not to buy the wine.

With the growth in popularity of B.C. wines, it makes one wonder if there could be a similar push here if Quebec's experiment is successful.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Double Treat for BC Catholic readers

Two special supplements in the May 9 issue of The B.C. Catholic

VOCATIONS 2011 special supplement: Read about upcoming ordinations in the archdiocese, live-ins at the Seminary of Christ the King and about a traveling vocations monstrance. Read why Father Joseph Nguyen, Vocations director for the Archdiocese, thinks that "Vocations are everyone's business." There are two inspiring stories about the missions in Canada. A young woman, who was "Sleepless in Vancouver airport for a night" on her way to visit a Benedictine Abbey in Colorado, talks about the beauty of contemplative life.

Special supplement on the BEATIFICATION OF POPE JOHN PAULs II: Read about the Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral, celebrating Pope John Paul's beatification May 1. Read about James and Alfreda Nahanee recalling the special privilege they had in 1984 to present gifts to Pope John Paul at the Mass in Abbotsford. Excerpts from the homily given by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, are also featured in this section.

Please see The B.C. Catholic website for a special Electronic Section of news stories and first-hand reaction from the beatification in Rome. (See last week's E-Section for coverage leading up to the event. This week we have 10 new stories).

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Posts and comments to The Busy Catholic must be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other contributors. Discussion should take place primarily from a faith perspective. We reserve the right to end discussion on any topic any time we feel the discussion is no longer productive.