'It's not just a lineup handing you food,' says new volunteer at Catholic Charities drop-in centre
Paul Jarjabka (left) stands with Scott Small, manager of The Door is Open. Jarjabka volunteers as a greeter welcoming homeless guests as they arrive
for lunch. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic. |
Two new faces in the Downtown Eastside are working hard to bring dignity to the disadvantaged. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Rock the Mount festival offers a medieval theme
Flag bearers lead the procession to the altar for Mass. Tim Yaworski / Prairie Messenger (CCN). |
Rock the Mount 2016, "Putting on the Whole Armour of God," was held July 23 at the historic Mount Carmel shrine west of Humboldt, Sask., with music, talks, drama, games, prayer, opportunities for confession, and Mass celebrated by the bishop. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Holy Rosary parishioners host summer picnic across the street, invite neighbours and businesses
Food and refreshments attract many passersby. Photo submitted to BCC. |
Nearly 600 parishioners, friends, and visitors to Holy Rosary Cathedral brought a refreshing burst of life, colour, and music to Cathedral Square July 24. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Assumption pilgrimage showers Mary's blessings
Pilgrims place their candles, signifying their prayer intentions, at the
top of the Skaro grotto. Glen Argan / Western Catholic Reporter (CCN). |
Ominous-looking clouds gathered in the direction of the Skaro Pilgrimage site as my wife Nora and I headed out from Edmonton for the annual Marian pilgrimage late in the afternoon of Aug. 14. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Couple allow use of their property every year to keep the annual pilgrimage going
Pilgrims gather around a print of Our Lady of Guadalupe to pray the rosary. Emma Nahanee / Special to The B.C. Catholic. |
For 23 years, pilgrims from across the Lower Mainland have gathered each year at Fountain Lake near Lillooet, B.C., to worship God. But this year's pilgrimage may be the final one. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
REAL Women of Canada launches religious freedom petition
REAL Women of Canada has launched a petition to protect the religious freedom of Christians in Canada. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Staff members at the Catholic superintendents' office are enthusiastic about 'radical' change
Sandra Marshall |
Rose Pillay |
Lessons are going to be different when children go back to school this fall. B.C.'s Ministry of Education has released a new curriculum for full implementation in all K-9 classrooms this September. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Music program enriches students through sacred music
Uwe Lieflander shares his enthusiasm for sacred music with youngsters in
the Sparrows program at Immaculate Conception parish in Port Perry,
Ont. Jean Ko Din / Catholic Register (CCN). |
Maestro Uwe Lieflander always begins a Sparrows choir practice with a warmup for the brain. A crowd of 80 children from ages three to 14 years old are busy chitchatting. But the room falls silent once Lieflander begins to play the first few bars of Mozart's "Requiem." For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Law society won't appeal the decision
Amy Robertson |
The Nova Scotia Barristers' Society announced Aug. 15 it would not appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada a recent court decision regarding Trinity Western University. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Electoral reform gets mixed reviews from social conservatives
Johanne Brownrigg, an Ottawa lobbyist for Campaign Life Coalition. Deborah Gyapong (CCN). |
Social conservatives have a mixed response to the Liberal promise to replace Canada's first-past-the-post voting system with a form of proportional representation. For
full story
The B.C. Catholic website.
Catholic Media Foundation will live stream the soon-to-be bishop's ordination Mass
Salt+Light Media will be streaming Bishop-elect Joseph Phuong Nguyen's ordination on both their network and
livestream channel Aug. 25 at 2:30 p.m. The coverage will include interviews of individuals close to Bishop-elect Nguyen, including Bishop Emeritus David J. Monroe of Kamloops.
More details are available at
Salt+Light or their
live stream page.
Two million young pilgrims unite in prayer in a Europe still reeling from attacks by terrorists
Agnieszka Krawczynski (left) meets friends Sister Celeste DeJong and
Gabrielle Ksinan DeGroot at a bus stop during World Youth Day in Krakow.
Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic. |
Two million young people stood, completely silent, in a field in Krakow, Poland. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Poll shows Canadians would support Cassie and Molly's Law
A Nanos poll commissioned by MP Cathay Wagantall shows a majority would support a law allowing separate charges for injuring or killing an unborn child while committing a violent crime against the mother. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Jesuit seeks to encourage a counter-cultural movement
Father Robert Spitzer, SJ |
An internationally known priest is coming to Vancouver hoping to inspire a new culture against assisted suicide. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Inquiry commissioners named
Claudette Commanda was one of two female Algonquin leaders who addressed
the Citizens for Public Justice AGM in 2016. Deborah Gyapong (CCN). |
The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls whose commissioners were named Aug. 3 needs to address underlying racism and colonialism, observers say. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Bishop-elect fought hard to escape to Canada
Father Joseph Nguyen, soon to become the bishop of Kamloops, laughs
during a farewell celebration July 31. Chandra Lye / Special to The B.C.
Catholic. |
Father Joseph Phuong Nguyen, Bishop-elect of Kamloops, was celebrated with cheers and laughter at the farewell dinner held in his honour. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Couple credits prayers made before they met for successful marriage
Joe and Joan Pinto celebrated 50 years of marriage in 2016, and they credit prayers each made before they met as among the ingredients for its success. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Farmers, ranchers, activists, and First Nations unite in common cause against proposed dam
Janet Gray, representing the B.C. and Yukon branch of KAIROS (left), and
Katrina Laquian, a member of the Canadian Catholic Organization for
Development and Peace, paddle across Peace River in protest July 9.
Deirdre Kelly / Special to The B.C. Catholic. |
Canoes and kayaks dotted the Peace River as farmers, ranchers, activists, and First Nations paddled across it in protest of the Site C dam. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
CCCB issues Year of Mercy text on Sacrament of Reconciliation
Pope Francis hears the confession of a young woman during World Youth
Day in Rio de Janeiro July 26, 2013. CNS photo / L'Osservatore Romano. |
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops' (CCCB) Episcopal Commission for Doctrine has released a text on the beauty of the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Father Mark McGuckin ordained just a few months ago
Father Mark McGuckin was ordained a priest May 14, 2016. Despite being raised in a Catholic family, Father McGuckin tells
The B.C. Catholic about his distance from the faith, his experiences in a blue comedy television show, and his reawakening in Christ. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Nova Scotia Appeal Court rules in Trinity Western University's favour
Constitutional Lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos with Trinity Western
University's Laurentian Leadership Centre director Janet Epp Buckingham
at the Supreme Court of Canada for a religious freedom case in 2014.
File photo. |
Trinity Western University welcomed a decision by the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal July 26 requiring the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society to accredit its law school graduates. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Priests, religious, and lay people gather at St. Edmund's to honour Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Priests, Knights of Columbus, and altar servers stand on the front steps
of St. Edmund's Church after Mass July 16. The church was packed as
Bishop Paul Terrio of St. Paul, Alta., spoke about the origins of the
Carmelites. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic. |
A feast instituted more than 600 years ago has a vibrant following in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Bike riders raise awareness of human slavery in Canada
BASIC Riders Luke Wahl, Dominic Mayhew and Ryan McAuley are riding
across Canada to raise funds and awareness of human slavery in Canada.
Deborah Gyapong (CCN). |
The BASIC (Bikers Against Slavery in Canada) Riders brought their message to Ottawa July 21-22 of raising awareness of human trafficking in Canada. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Some parishioners want to keep it; pastor and parish council defend sale as the right decision
The archdiocese has approved plans to sell Star of the Sea Church
property, but some parishioners are unhappy with the prospect and have
other ideas that would maintain a parish presence in White Rock. Graham
Osborne / Special to The B.C. Catholic. |
Plans to close Star of the Sea Church are not sitting well with some of the people in its pews. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Competition offered special moment to count blessings
Bill Steinburg runs along Lac de Champex, Switzerland, at the start of
the 4th stage of the Beat the Sun race. Steinburg's team raced with
seven other teams around Mont Blanc. Kevin Saussure / ASICS Beat the
Sun. |
On the longest day of the year I stood on a mountain trail in the middle of the French Alps a mile above sea level. I had every reason to count my blessings. For
full story see
The B.C. Catholic website.
Thousands expected to travel to Marian grotto
Thousands of pilgrims are expected to converge on Heritage Park in Mission this summer. As many as 4,000 Catholics will pray at the Our Lady of Lourdes grotto Aug. 20. For full story
The B.C. Catholic website.
Also newly posted:
international stories see
The B.C. Catholic website.
CPJ asks Canada to lift cap on privately sponsored refugees from Israel
Syrian refugees drink tea as they sit in front of their tents at Zaatari
refugee camp in Mafraq, Jordan, Dec. 31. CNS photo / Muhammad Hamed,
Reuters. |
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has written Immigration Minister John McCallum, asking him to lift the cap of 350 private refugee sponsorships from Israel. For full story
The B.C. Catholic website.
Auf Wiederschauen
These past three weeks have been a whirlwind of adventure as we've grown in our faith through both good times trials. It's all been worth it. As much as I'm excited to return home, I will definitely miss being on the road.
Many of the people I've had the joy and honour of meeting on this trip I may never see again. But isn't that the nature of a pilgrimage, and even life sometimes? All we can hope is to make a positive influence in the lives of those we met along the way.
Many thanks go out to Olek and Magda of Gdansk, the various parishes that hosted us and the priests that accompanied us, our Polish bus driver, Mary Pisko-Dubienski, Father Richard Au, all the pilgrims in our group, and anyone else I might have forgotten but am eternally grateful to.
And of course, to you, my faithful reader. Thanks for trekking to World Youth Day Krakow 2016 with me!
We will be spending the final day travelling.
God bless, and thanks for all the well wishes!
The hills are alive with the sound of prayer
By Josh Tng
The Austrian countryside. |
Today, the remnants of our group of pilgrims visited several churches, a small summer estate of the last Austrian emperor, and a traditional Austrian farm.
"The hills are alive with the sound of music," danced into my head as we drove through the countryside.
Despite my Sound of Music vibe, only a small amount of the rural Austrians we met embraced the pop culture film gem.
As this day ends, we will bid farewell to Father Richard Au, who will be leaving tomorrow one day earlier than the rest of the group. With much effort, he managed to lead our energetic group to various locations, and for that deserves much thanks.
Austria and goodbyes
The Austrian National Library. |
Today we visited both the main palace and vacation home of the Austrian royal family, as well as the Austrian National Library.
It was an interesting day full of history and great architecture. But it was also a somber day, as we said goodbye to a large part of the group.
The times we shared together are now fond memories. Our goodbyes showed us that we had shared something special and through that, really cemented our relationships. These past three weeks haven't always been easy, but I'm sure every pilgrim in our group would agree they were certainly rewarding.
As the end to my journey fast approaches, I am both grateful and wistful.
Rest and recovery
Today, while I was recovering in my room, our group visited castles and churches.
Tomorrow, we will be heading to Vienna, Austria.
A day off
One of the many statues found in Prague. This statue's hooded features perfectly mimic the way I feel at the moment; hiding from the sun. |
The sun is shining brightly, the fancy hats are out, and that's how I know today is going to be a sick day.
After a whirlwind of adventure last night (in which I lost my wallet), I awoke to find my sunburned neck raw and bloody. However, my wallet soon found its way back to me, thanks to the careful eye of the bus driver!
So today, I will be have to listen to second-hand accounts of the events the group gets up to today. For now, I will put aloe on my neck and stay out of the sun.
God bless!
'Czech' this place out
This clock is located in Prague's Old Town Square, in the aptly named Old Town Quarter. |
Prague's Old Town Square. The clock is to the left of the photo. |
Our group of pilgrims reached the Czech Republic capital of Prague today. A beautiful city filled with statues and small shops, we went to visit the Klementinum library in the Jesuit university.
It holds many rare and ancient books.
It is also home to a magnificent fresco featuring symbolism from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Greek mythology.
Afterwards, we walked around the beautiful city of Prague. Each unique building looked like it had its own story. We ended the day to wander back home, led by pilgrim Nick Provenzano's trusty navigational skills.
Another day, another adventure. Till tomorrow faithful readers! God bless.
The Black Madonna of Częstochowa
The icon of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa is seen during Mass in the Jasna Gora Monastery, Poland, August 1. |
We saw the revered icon of the Black Madonna today. According to Father Richard Au, it is practically a symbol of Poland's pride and religious joy.
The Black Madonna has been a target for many invaders, including Napoleon, as they tried to break Poland's spirit. None have succeeded!
For the rest of today, we will be traveling to Prague, Czech Republic.
God bless!
Goodbye Krakow!
Tired Canadian pilgrims slump over during a break hiking toward the overnight pilgrimage in Krakow. |
My adventures at World Youth Day are now over. We have seen the Pope twice in person, experienced many beautiful churches and learned about the history of Poland.
We have walked many kilometres, sang many hymns, shed blood, sweat, and tears throughout the pilgrimage and grown stronger in our faith.
But despite World Youth Day ending, our pilgrim group will continue to explore Europe for one more week. We will be heading to Czech Republic following a day of rest and recuperation.