Syrian Patriarch expresses shock at the destruction by ISIS in recently liberated town
Destruction left by ISIS in another town. (Photo Credit: Wassim Farkouh Homs) |
The Church leader who resides in Damascus
spoke with the international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need on Friday saying on the one hand, he
was happy about the expulsion of the terrorist militia from the town where
Muslims and Christians live. The terrorists had occupied Al Qaryatayn last
August (2015).
"This is certainly an encouraging development. But the
residents who had fled now sometimes wept when they saw what had become of
their town. It was particularly painful for me as someone with pastoral duties
to see these tears."
The Patriarch went on to say the
infrastructure had been severely damaged. "When I managed to visit the
town with our Catholic brothers on Friday I was shocked by the extent of the
devastation. Many houses had been completely or severely damaged during the fighting.
Fittings had been stolen," the Head of the Syriac Orthodox Church
explained. "It was especially painful to see how the churches had been
wilfully defiled by IS. Both the Syriac Catholic Saint Elian monastery and our
Syriac Orthodox church had been deliberately desecrated. Our church was even
more severely damaged than the monastery."
A hatred not easily
"During my visit my main concern was
to give people hope. I told them that they should thank God for their lives.
Houses and churches can be built up again. A life lost cannot be restored. But
as a Church we will not simply talk about it; we will also give the people
material help in their reconstruction efforts wherever we can. The crucial
factor is the faith that God is with us. Our help is given in the name of the
living God."
The Patriarch also conceded, however, that
it was very difficult in situations like this to bear Christian witness and to
forgive one's enemies. "In view of our circumstances it is not easy to
overcome hatred and to ask God for the gift of forgiveness. It will take time
for people to find it in themselves to do this. This is only human and
understandable. But we can't get round the willingness to forgive. It is a
basic element of Christian life."
A possible
The Patriarch emphasized during this
exchange the Syrians experience in religious co-existence. "In Syria there
is no war between Christians and Muslims. What we're dealing with here is
primarily foreign terrorists coming to fight the jihad. There are certainly now
Syrians who have adopted the jihadi ideology. But these ideas come from
outside, primarily from Saudi Arabia and the Wahhabism practised there. I
therefore do not see the reconciliation between Syrians of different faiths as
the problem here. This is possible. After all, despite the many difficulties we
all lived peacefully together before the war in Syria. That was the Syria we
"In view of the efforts of the United
Nations to bring about a political solution to the conflict by holding
discussions between the government and the opposition, the Patriarch said:
"If we Syrians settled things between ourselves, there would be no problems,
I believe. But we are not naïve. The difficulty of a political solution is that
there are both regional and international interests which come together in
Syria. This makes the situation so complicated."
“Help us stay here”
Ignatius Aphrem II expressed scepticism
about the representatives of the Syrian opposition negotiating with the
government in Geneva. "Of course, I hope that the talks will be
successful. But the opposition there does not have many adherents here in Syria
itself. What's more, there are many islamists among them. We Christians and
others do not want to live under Islamic rule."
Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem assumes that
about 40 percent of Syria's Christians have now left the country and fled to
the neighbouring countries or to the west. "I have no illusions. Most of
them will not return. If it goes on like this, we Christians in Syria will
disappear, just as we have almost disappeared in Turkey and Iraq." The
Patriarch therefore rejects any emigration of the Christians furthered by the West.
"The best way to support us is to
help us stay in our homeland. Moving to the west is not a solution. Being a
refugee in Europe is not a positive experience. It means you are culturally
uprooted. It's not good for the refugees and it's not good for the societies
that take them in."
The Patriarch explained that both in Syria
itself and in the neighbouring countries there were safe refuges for the
people. "It would be much cheaper for Europe to help our people to stay in
Syria, or temporarily in Lebanon or elsewhere. It would be important mainly to
help the projects of the church on the spot. We are very grateful to Aid
to the Church in Need for
adopting this approach and helping people on the spot. I hope that more
organisations will follow this example."
By Oliver Maksan, ACN International
Adapted by Amanda Bridget Griffin, ACN Canada