Monday, May 6, 2013

Worst attack yet

Caritas official: bombing of new Tanzanian parish the most serious incident
People gather near the scene of an explosion at St. Joseph Mfanyakazi Catholic Church in Arusha, Tanzania. CNS photo / Reuters. 
Catholic News Agency reports that, according to a top official with the charity Caritas Tanzania, a Sunday attack on a new Catholic parish was the first of its kind for the East African country.

"It is not normal and this has never happened in our country before," said Joachim Wangabo, executive secretary of Caritas Tanzania, in a May 6 interview with CNA. "The government says it is associated with Muslim terrorists, but it is necessary to know why it happened."

The attack happened May 5 as parishioners were beginning a Mass to officially open the new Saint Joseph's Catholic parish in the northern Tanzanian city of Arusha.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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