Friday, April 12, 2013

Christ beckons us to always open the door of faith

Prince George bishop notes that 'development is not enough'
Bishop Jensen speaks in Sacred Heart Cathedral following his episcopal ordination.
"The door of faith is always open: we need to prepare the way, to welcome Jesus ourselves,
and to help those whom the Lord, often without them realizing, calls to Himself,"
he said. (Photo: Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)
In his first address after his episcopal ordination April 2, Bishop Stephen Jensen spoke about the Northern Gateway project, as well as another kind of gateway: the Door of Faith.
For several years now, the government and industry has talked about building a "Northern Gateway." That's possible and realistic to expect because of the abundant natural advantages in this part of the world, not only the oil and gas and other minerals in the ground, but the geographic gifts as well.

All that development is welcome and valuable, but that kind of (economic) development is not enough.
For full text of his address, see The B.C. Catholic website.

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