Tuesday, April 9, 2013

B.C. Bishops ask laity to 'stake their claim in faith'

Prelates release pastoral letter for Year of Faith
Bishop Richard Gagnon of Victoria (left) stands alongside Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, of Vancouver, Bishop Stephen Jensen of Prince George, Bishop Gary Gordon, of Whitehorse, and Bishop David Monroe of Kamloops. The prelates gathered to celebrate Bishop Jensen's Episcopal Ordination April 2. 
(Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)

To celebrate the election of Pope Francis as the Successor of Peter and Pastor of the Universal Church, the B.C. Bishops released a Pastoral Letter for the Year of Faith.
To encourage all the faithful to benefit from this time of grace, we, the Bishops of British Columbia and the Yukon, are asking you this question: what is the gift of faith and what is at the heart of this treasure? Faith – our deep personal encounter with Jesus Christ – gives birth to mission.
Why else would Charles John Seghers, Bishop of Vancouver Island (1873-1886) leave the comforts of Victoria and venture into the wilderness of the interior of the Yukon and Alaska on July 13, 1886?
His parting words to the priests and faithful in Victoria tell of his faith: "Adieu, I leave for Alaska, and God knows when or whether I shall return. Pray for me!"
Unfortunately, Bishop Seghers was murdered on the banks of the Yukon River near Nulato, Alaska, on November 28, 1886.

Read the entire letter here.

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