Monday, April 8, 2013

Archdiocese to bring 'God's gifts' to forefront

Director hopes for increase in parish stewardship
Barbara Dowding, director of the archdiocesan stewardship office, hopes
Stewardship Day will encourage parishioners to contribute selflessly.
Stewardship Day, hosted by the archdiocese, is organized to encourage parishioners to understand the importance of contribution to their parishes. It will be held April 13 at St. Francis Xavier Church.
Stewardship does not wholly mean fundraising, although raising money for a noble cause is important.

Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, defined stewardship in 2010 as a "way of living; what it means to be a disciple: a friend who is to love as He has loved us."
For full story, see The B.C. Catholic website.

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