Monday, January 21, 2013

Outcry over rape cases

Sex-selective abortion leaves too few women
India's newly elected Parliament speaker Meira Kumar, a dalit, speaks during a news conference in New Delhi in 2009. CNS photo / B Mathur, Reuters.
Catholic News Agency reports that some experts say public admonishment of the brutal cases of gang rape in India could be the sign of changing views towards women in the world's largest democracy.

The torture and eventual death of the 23-year-old university student who was gang raped in a moving charter bus Dec. 16 in New Delhi has sparked public indignation and raised questions over the root of violence against women in India.

As other accounts of women and girls throughout India being gang raped emerge, demonstrators have taken to the streets to decry the violence against women and show support for the victims.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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