Monday, January 14, 2013

'Loser' wins race

Spanish athlete sets example of kindness, sportsmanship
One runner tumbles during a men's 1,500-metre race at the London 2012 Olympic Games. CNS photo / David Gray, Reuters.
Catholic News Agency has a story about the heroism and sportsmanship of Spanish athlete Ivan Fernandez Anaya when he allowed another runner who was leading a race to finish first, despite the other runner's huge blunder that should have cost him the win.

Anaya was trailing Kenyan runner Abel Mutai, an Olympic medalist in the 2012 London games, as they were nearing the finish line. Mutai was leading the race and thought he had reached the finish line when he stopped running.

Unable to speak Spanish, he did not understand as spectators tried to tell him he was still a few meters short. Fernandez caught up to him and instead of taking advantage of the situation to win, he encouraged the African to continue running and cross the finish line.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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