Monday, January 14, 2013

Local Catholics continue to pounce on YOUCATs

Additional 2,500 copies ordered by parishes, bringing total to over 12,000
Patrick Gillespie, director of the Office of Catechetics, with a pallet of more than
1,000 copies of YOUCAT. Photo by Nathan Rumohr / The B.C. Cahtolic.
YOUCAT has become a hot property in the Archdiocese of Vancouver and The B.C. Catholic explains why:
After ordering 12,500 copies earlier this year, the archdiocese is picking up another 2,500.

"I've been surprised that these last few orders have been going so fast," said Patrick Gillespie, director of catechetics in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. "There's still a huge demand."

On average parishes are ordering 100 copies each at $10 per book.

Gillespie credited part of the demand to families buying YOUCATs as Christmas gifts. He also noted that there could be another spike in orders around confirmation time.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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