Friday, January 4, 2013

L'Arche sees the giftedness in everyone

Edmonton's community formed in 1972 and continues to respond to the needs of its members
Residents of L’Arche Edmonton enjoy their Christmas luncheon Dec. 14 at
Fulton School in Edmonton. Photo by Chris Miller / CCN.

The B.C. Catholic has a story by Chris Miller about L'Arche Edmonton:
L’Arche Edmonton was formed in 1972, the second L’Arche community formed in Canada. This year marks L’Arche Edmonton’s 40th anniversary. Known also as Shalom Community, it has a rich history and continues responding to the changing needs of its members.

“A real focus for us is belonging and building relationship. Anywhere we can do that and create time together is an opportunity to build relationship. There is also a focus on revealing the gifts of each person,” said Sister Pat Desnoyers, executive director and community leader for L’Arche Edmonton.

There are four L’Arche houses in Edmonton and two in Sherwood Park, which are home to men and women of various ages and abilities. Between five to 10 people live in each house. They come from various cultural backgrounds, with 14 different countries represented, and range in age from 18 to 84.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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