Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christ the Redeemer welcomes volunteers

Rio de Janeiro already preparing for World Youth Day

World Youth Day in Rio is coming up in July. 63,000 volunteers have already signed up.

Jesus of Nazareth will oversee the World Youth Day events in Rio de Janeiro. Cristo Redentor, Christ the Redeemer, is the famous statute which stands atop Corcovado Mountain in Brazil.

Prior to the events however, the city has already signed up 63,000 volunteers.

The week-long event will take place in Brazil from July 23 to 28, 2013.
"Let us trust in Christ and be sure, in faith, that we have been chosen by God," said the Archbishop Orani João Tempesta of Rio de Janeiro. 
"God needs young people. Don't disappoint Him! Let us open our hearts through prayer, the Eucharist, and confession."
“Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19) is the event's theme.

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