Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Catholics Come Home evangelises on social media

Second part of initiative builds on momentum of TV commercials
Following the media buzz generated by running Catholics Come Home "evangomercials" on major television networks, the Archdiocese of Vancouver has continued its outreach on social media. The videos, which ran in the Vancouver and Victoria areas between December 13, 2012 and January 20, 2013, aim to invite non-practising Catholics back to the Catholic Church.

The archdiocese has created a website, Vancouver Come Home, which makes it easy to share these videos online through the social media networks Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ as well as through email. Visitors can share the three previously televised videos with anyone including friends, family, and loved ones.
A quote from Pope Benedict XVI on the website emphasises the importance of the web as a powerful tool for evangelisation:
"The web is contributing to the development of new and complex intellectual and spiritual horizons, new forms of shared awareness. In this field too we are called to proclaim our faith that Christ is God, the Saviour of humanity and of history, the one in whom all things find their fulfillment."

You can visit the Vancouver Come Home website here.

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