Monday, October 15, 2012

Protesters demand no more funding for abortion

Defund Abortion rallies held in front of the offices of Ontario legislatures
Protesters from the Defund Abortion rally demonstrate outside Ontario
Premier Dalton McGuinty's office in Ottawa South. Deborah Gyapong / CCN.
The B.C. Catholic has a story by Deborah Gyapong about the Defund Abortions rallies in Ontario held over the weekend:
At the 44 Defund Abortion mini-rallies outside provincial riding offices across Ontario Oct. 13, demonstrators urged Ontario politicians to redirect money from abortion to real health-care needs.

“It is illogical to have a health-care system that is cash-starved and yet continues to allocate scarce dollars towards the killing of children,” Campaign Life Coalition lobbyist Johanne Brownrigg told 55 to 75 people outside Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s office.

Delisting abortion from OHIP, Ontario’s health insurance plan, would save taxpayers from $30 to 50 million, she said.

That money could be redirected to hire more than 200 family doctors to address Ontario’s doctor shortage; hire 400 nurses to cut hospital wait times; treat 500 additional autistic children; buy 20 new MRI machines every year; or make palliative care available in communities that lack it now, Brownrigg said.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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