Thursday, March 1, 2012

VSB 'censures' out of context: accused

Trustees still under fire for perceived 'homophobic' behaviour

In the latest article on The B.C. Catholic website covers the heated meeting Vancouver School Board conducted over two of its two trustees being censured:

Bedlam broke out at a recent Vancouver School Board meeting when school trustees Ken Denike and Sophia Woo, members of the Non Partisan Association (NPA), faced more questions about speaking against same-sex attraction.

The two trustees were censured in January for perceived gay fear-mongering. They were recorded at a picnic last August warning a Christian group that Vision Vancouver was considering forcing schools to teach same-sex-attraction issues.

The issue did not make it onto the VSB's agenda, but the video "went viral" through YouTube, and led to the two trustees being labelled as "homophobic." According to Denike, the content of the video was taken out of context.

Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.
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1 comment:

  1. videos are only as good as the whole content - it's good to have a full proper discussion after


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