Friday, March 9, 2012

Astronomer says religion and science are not world's apart

Brother Guy, Consolmagno, SJ speaks to students at UBC

Vatican astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, poses with Corpus Christi College students after giving the Newman Association of Vancouver Carr Lecture at UBC's Hebb Theatre Feb. 27. Laureen McMahon / The B.C. Catholic
The final lecture of Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ's, trip to Vancouver is covered in this latest article at The B.C. Catholic website:

A long list of astronomers, himself included, said Vatican astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, have been "almost right" in their cosmological discoveries.

His own example happened in 1975 when, as a Massachusetts Institute of Technology student, he wrote a thesis on the possibility of life on Mars. Sadly, he said, his theory was rejected by one of his heroes, the late noted U.S. astronomer Carl Sagan.

Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.
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