Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Obama protestors arrested for praying

Catholic priest and five others protest outside White House against Obama's health mandate

While it took Vancouver police five months to arrest some Stanley Cup rioters, it only took five minutes for police in Washington D.C. to arrest pro-life protesters for praying outside the White House.

That's what happened to Father Denis Wilde, Associate Director of Priests for Life, Reverend Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, and three others last Thursday.

Occupy Wall Street protesters have been occupying federal property for months, but when we kneel in prayer, the police are called in and we are arrested,” Father Wilde told Life Site News, “We knew that was the risk when we gathered today, and we will do it again regardless of the risk. What people of faith – of every faith – need to do now is stand with us.”

The group was objecting the Obama administration's health mandate that would require faith groups to pay for birth control and abortion inducing drugs through their health coverage.

The Obama administration attempted a compromise shifting the costs from the employer to the insurer. However, this was not met kindly by U.S. Bishops.

"What (Obama) offered was next to nothing. There's no change, for instance, in these terribly restrictive mandates and this grossly restrictive definition of what constitutes a religious entity," said Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan of New York and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  

Legal protests can take place in front of the President's home if the activists remain moving. So the police used the stationary movement of prayer to justify the arrest of the six pro-lifers.

“The faith community can never be silent or indifferent when it comes to matters of justice, human rights and religious liberty,” Mahoney told Life Site News before the arrest. “We want to make it clear to President Obama and all public officials that we would rather spend time in a dark prison cell than be coerced into complying with an immoral and unjust government mandate.”

Below is a video of arrest:

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