Friday, August 20, 2010

An editor moves on, but not away

After 13 very blessed years as editor of The B.C. Catholic, it's time for a new name on the masthead.

Starting Sept. 1, I'll be leaving as editor of the newspaper to take on the role of communications director for the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

It's a job I'm somewhat familiar with. For 11 years I wore two hats, looking after the newspaper as well as the communications portfolio.

When Archbishop Miller arrived he established a separate communications office independent of the newspaper and headed by Jeff Graham.

Jeff got the office off the ground two years ago, but he's now moved on to other endeavors, and the archbishop wants to use this opportunity to enhance the office's mandate. (Just to make it a dream job, I'll stay in contact with the newspaper by serving as its editorial adviser. I'll also continue writing for The B.C. Catholic, since every dream job has to include some writing!)

This newspaper has made great strides over the past 13 years, becoming one of North America's top diocesan publications. That's all due to the support of readers, clergy and bishops, the hard work of our staff, and the protection of our Mother Mary, to whom I entrusted this paper on Dec. 8, 1997, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. (Our Lady of Editors?)

A new managing editor will be named soon. Until then please say a prayer for the Archdiocese of Vancouver, that all of us who are so fortunate to live and work here will recall the words of the Second Vatican Council — that communications, at its most profound level, is "the giving of self in love."


  1. Congratulations on your new appointment Paul. I am sure you will do a great job.

    John G.

  2. Very pleased we will still benefit from your skills and presence in the Archdiocese

    Every blessing.

  3. Pual Schratz as the editor of the B.C. Catholic for the last 13 years, you have excelled in shoring up the Church's Pro Life message and the rightful place that Church has in speaking to the public forum and in the public forum. Your position as editor has well prepared you for being the Archdiocesan Communication Officer.

    Being the front man for the Archdiocese will allow you to lift the Church's message off the printed page and bring it through the public media to a vast and diverse audience.

    You will have a kindred spirit in St. Paul as he spoke to the Athenians at the Areopagus. For some of the Athenians encouragingly asked St. Paul: "May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting. It sounds rather strange to us, so we would like to know what it means." Act. 17:19,20.

    Like St.Paul, you will be surprised and encouraged to find that in the the public forum there will be fair, open minded people, who have never heard the Truth, but are open to listening to It. Their keeness in listening will sustain you when confronted with disenters and those who will try to snare you in every word you express, as the Pharasees did with Jesus.

  4. Congratulations, Paul, on your new job! May the Lord use you mightily to proclaim truth, justice and peace for all.


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