Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Vocations labyrinth: the 6th installment!

The B.C. Catholic and the Archdiocese of Vancouver Vocations Office are presenting a six-month spiritual journey entitled The Vocation Labyrinth. Each week, Vocations Director Father Hien Nguyen blogs his response to one of 23 vocations questions. Here is his sixth entry -- Paul Schratz.

How do I follow my vocation?

One of the main problems for many young people in following a vocation is making a commitment.
There are many choices offered to young people which are not helping but rather contributing to their confusion. Let me quickly give you an example.
On a recent plane flight I was offered a drink. I just asked for a tea and immediate was faced with the following choices: What kind? With or without milk? Sugar? One or two cubes?
I have seen many young people sitting on a fence, looking, and sometimes not knowing what to decide for years.
Of course we need to discern and do it well with the help of the Holy Spirit, spiritual director, and those who assist us. However, even in the process of discernment we have to commit.
We cannot say one day I want to be this and the next day that, or I want to be both. The first rule in this situation is “to put all eggs in one basket.”
We cannot discern two vocations at the same time. Once we have a sense that God is calling us to a vocation, then we need to commit ourselves to it and discern whole heartedly until we are certain whether it is or is not for us.
This means that we need to make a step forward. If we sense that the priesthood is where the Holy Spirit is leading us, then go to the seminary. If it is religious life then go to the community to discern. If it is married life then seriously discern with your counterpart.
We have to remember that we need to do our part by making the choice. Indecision in our commitment will stall our journey and become a cause of negligence in our duty to respond to God’s call.
We will focus our discussion next week around discernment and our freedom in doing so. Please give a thought throughout this week and talk to you again next week.
With prayers,
Fr. Hien Nguyen

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