Monday, March 29, 2010
Father de Souza, The New York Times, and Pope Benedict
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Christopher Hitchens's non-atheist brother

Christopher Hitchens, who is currently doing his darnedest to take down Pope Benedict XVI, and the Catholic Church, and Christianity, and faith...well, he has a brother, Peter, who went through his own bout with the faith in his younger years. Peter, however, came through his disbelief, to the point where he now now debates his older sibling in public forums. In this piece in Britain's Daily Mail, Peter touches on faith, atheism, and brotherly bonds, coming to the conclusion that passions as strong as his brother's are "more likely to be countered by the unexpected force of poetry, which can ambush the human heart at any time."
Friday, March 26, 2010
Benedict, the crisis, and setting the record straight

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Babies are people too

Last week was International Women's Week, remembering a time when women were not recognized as "persons" under the law. In the Persons Case of 1929, the Privy Council asked the question: "The exclusion of women from all public office is a relic of days more barbarous than ours, and to those who ask why the word person should not include females, the obvious answer is, why should it not?"
"Alliance for Life Ontario is asking the same question today with regard to the girl and boy child before birth," says Jakki Jeffs, executive director of Alliance for Life Ontario.
A special website set up by the group encourages visitors to sign a petition asking the government to extend full legal protection to every Canadian from their biological beginnings. The signed petitions will be presented in Parliament on Person's Day, October 18, 2010.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Catholic movies at the Vancouver Public Library

More than a year ago I watched the Road of Hope: the spiritual journey of Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan on DVD (available at the Office of Religious Education at 150 Robson). I was so moved by his life and example, especially his deep love for the Eucharist, that I wanted more people to know about him.
Shortly after watching it, I contacted the Vancouver Public Library and suggested the DVD for their collection. There are many wonderful Catholic works out there, and my hope is to have more of them available at our public library. The Suggest a Purchase form found on the VPL website asks details about the purchase suggestion and why that particular title should be in the library. I cannot remember all that I had written in the form, but I do remember saying that there is a large Vietnamese Catholic population in Vancouver who will find much inspiration and hope in the life of someone like Cardinal Van Thuan. I am hoping that everyone, not just Catholics, will get a chance to discover his life and faith.
A few days ago, more than a year from when I submitted the request, I received email notification that the DVD is now available. The Vancouver Public Library's first ever copy of Road of Hope is now with me to watch again. It is the perfect film to watch during the Lenten season and on this Year for Priests. So head out to your local library branch or go online to place a hold on the Road of Hope. Let our public library know that there is a demand for Catholic works like Road of Hope.
Here is the official trailer from Salt and Light TV. The DVD is also available for purchase from the Salt and Light TV website.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Science, history and faith meet
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Archbishop Miller kicks off a new Catholic Forum
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Win a pair of tickets to the Mark Schultz | Point of Grace performance of their "Come Alive Tour" on March 20, 2010!
Following their successful pairing on the 30-city “Come Alive” Tour last fall, platinum-selling and Dove award-winning artists Mark Schultz and Point of Grace hit the road together again this spring for an additional 25 cities, including Vancouver, BC.
Pulling from their expansive repertoires, both artists will perform a collection of fan favourites. Schultz will also play songs from his celebrated fifth studio release Come Alive, and Point of Grace will play selections from their current, critically-acclaimed How You Live as well as their upcoming brand new release No Changin’ Us (March 2).
Prizes: A pair of tickets to the Mark Schultz |Point of Grace “Come Alive Tour” performance on March 20, 2010, along with a meet-and-greet with the performers. Approximate value is: $50.
Contest Deadline: Entries must be received (e-mail or mail-in ballot) no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 10, 2010. Winners also get the chance to be guest Bloggers for The B.C. Catholic and submit a review of the concert and experience.
Announcement of winners: Winners will be announced in the March 15 edition of The B.C. Catholic.
Event Date: March 20, 2010.
To enter go to:
God bless!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
After Haiti, what about Chile?

Olympic hospitality served up hot

I Believe...a Catholic Olympic notebook