Thursday, September 3, 2015

CWL supports Catholic Missions in Canada

Patricia Gyulay of CMIC shows film of donations helping a small community
CWL members have fun slapping "thunder sticks" (inflatable noise makers) over their heads during a presentation by Catholic Missions in Canada. Agnieszka Krawczynski / The B.C. Catholic.
The Catholic Women's League donated more than $70,000 to Catholic Missions in Canada at their 95th annual convention in Vancouver Aug. 16-20. For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

Also newly posted:

St. Faustina fought many spiritual battles in her life
Father David Bellusci and Sister Chiara, a Sister of Our Lady of Mercy, stand near the baptismal font where St. Faustina was baptized at St. Casmir's Church in Swinice Warckie. Photo submitted to BCC.
When I made a spring pilgrimage to Poland after having read St. Faustina Kowalska's extraordinary work, Divine Mercy in My Soul, I discovered an incredible saint who sought intimacy with God. For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

Euthanasia 'death kits' being prepared for Quebec doctors
A nurse uses a syringe to give liquid medicine to a patient. Doctors are likely to leave much of the euthanasia process to nurses. CNS photo / Jorge Dan Lopez, Reuters.
News from PostMedia Sept. 1 that the Quebec government is preparing "euthanasia kits" for doctors does not surprise the head of a physicians' group that opposes euthanasia. For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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